

The State Insurance Committee should consider implementing more aggressive cost-sharing provisions in the state employee pharmacy benefit. Most commercial insurance plans use significant three-tier copayments to discourage use of the most expensive prescription drugs. Tennessee's HMO and POS plans still use two-tier copayments with a closed formulary. Copayments for all three health plans are generally below those found in surrounding states. Larger three-tier copays could reduce the overall use of prescription drugs and provide an incentive for members to use less expensive medications when possible while giving plan members greater access to all products. The State Insurance Committee should explore whether or not mail-order services for maintenance drugs can reduce costs for the Tennessee state insurance plans . In 2001, 83 percent of commercial group plans nationwide offered prescription mail service to enrollees. Many employee health plans in other states have reduced the cost of prescriptions for both enrollees and the plans themselves through mail-order pharmacies. The State Insurance Committee should develop a focused strategy for the development of disease management programs in state employee health plans. Research suggests well crafted disease management programs can improve health outcomes and reduce costs in treating some conditions. On the other hand, many disease management programs are expensive, and critics have charged that much of the research body supporting DM programs is flawed. Tennessee state employee insurance plans already include a number of disease management programs, though the PPO plan, which includes about half of all state plan enrollees, has no DM programs. See Appendix D. ; The state lacks a focused strategy for the development of these programs. Such a strategy, drawing on analysis of plan member needs and specific performance and outcome criteria, should serve as the basis for determining whether or not to purchase specific disease management programs.

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Three plant species with thinning effects had greater ground cover in the thinned forest units. Seven of 97 7.2% ; arthropod analyses showed effects of thinning, including one mobility measure and six species Table 2.1 ; . Densities of Arctorthezia occidentalis, Myrmica, and Pristoceuthophilus, and the percentage of low-mobility species captures were higher in unthinned forest than in thinned forest. Densities of Cytilus alternatus, Steremnius carinatus, and Lygaeidae were higher in thinned forest than in unthinned forest. Myrmica density was the only result that was not consistent with our predictions; we expected this disturbanceassociated species to be more abundant in the thinned forest matrix. Five amphibian analyses examined two diversity and three.

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Erection depends on the balance of local contractile and relaxant forces in the corpus cavernosum Cellek, 2000; Kim et al, 2000 ; . Tumescence erection is favored if the overall relaxant force dominates to lower cavernosal tone to a critical level and vice versa. Therefore, it is not inconceivable that by targeting the contractile pathway such as 5-HT as well as promoting a relaxant pathway eg, with a phosphodiesterase-5 PDE-5 ; inhibitor ; , the critical level will be achieved more readily in patients with ED. Our findings indicate that doxazosin and 5HT 1A ; , 5-HT 2A ; such as ketanserin ; , and 5-HT 4 ; receptor antagonists may be useful as part of a multitherapy regime, especially when a single therapy with a PDE-5 inhibitor fails. Normal HCC is limited in its availability. In previous studies, HCC tissues were obtained from patients with Peyronie disease or diabetes or undergoing penile prosthesis implants for ED Mirone et al, 2000 ; . These samples are clearly pathological. Mirone et al 2000 ; and Rees et al 2001 ; proposed the use of HCC tissue obtained from patients undergoing gender reassignment surgery. These patients are normally on estrogen for 2 years prior to withdrawal 2 months before their surgery, as with the majority of patients involved in our study. We cannot exclude the effect of estrogen on the cavernosal tissue, as Adaikan et al 2003 ; showed that estrogen causes pathophysiological changes in erectile function in rats. However, in our study, 1 patient who refused estrogen therapy prior to surgery had similar 5-HT responses with or without pre-exposure to its antagonists ; to those on estrogen. Furthermore, those gender-reassigned patients previously on estrogen seem to have "normal" erections indicated by the presence of early morning erections ; , based on clinical interviews postestrogen withdrawal prior to surgery. Future work should involve immunohistochemical studies using cavernosal tissue to further identify confirm the 5-HT receptor subtype and distribution as well as their anatomical location eg, nerve terminals and or endothelium ; . In conclusion, neuronally-released 5-HT may play a role in the human detumescence process. Doxazodin and 5-HT 1A ; , 5-HT 2A ; such as ketanserin ; and 5HT 4 ; receptor antagonists possess proerectile effects that may prove useful in the treatment of ED, possibly in combination with other therapy and catapres. When finance available is not enough to purchase all the quantities of drugs listed in the order list, it is necessary to reduce the list. The use of ABC and VEN analysis these have been discussed later in this Module ; can prove to be of help. 1.4 Choosing a procurement method.

1.1. CYP2D6 phenotyping The metabolic phenotype was determined by the administration of the test drug, debrisoquine. The subjects took a single oral dose of 10 mg debrisoquine sulphate and the urine was collected over the next eight hours. Debrisoquine and its metabolite, 4-hydroxydebrisoquine, were analyzed with the method developed originally by Lennard. Samples were derivatized by acetyl-acetone and the derived pyrimidines were extracted and analyzed by gas chromatography with hydrogen flame ionization. The debrisoquine oxidation phenotype was determined by calculation of the urinary MR, which is the ratio between percentages of doses eliminated as debrisoquine and 4-hydroxy-debrisoquine. Individuals with a debrisoquine MR over 12.6 were considered as PMs and cefaclor.
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Background. In many settings, a primary strategy to improve neonatal outcomes will be to increase healthful essential newborn care practices in the home, while also seeking to improve care seeking for newborn illness, and stabilization and referral of sick infants to health care facilities as close to the community as possible, where better-quality care may be available. community-based evidence. We identified 9 studies that described and evaluated various postnatal interventions in primary or secondary health facilities in community settings Table 42 ; . Most of the facilities described were community-based and had limited resources. Also included was a study that evaluated postdischarge follow-up of neonates in a community setting.666 Various approaches to improving neonatal care and outcomes were evaluated in these studies, which focused primarily on training caregivers and health providers in essential newborn care. Although no study used a randomized, controlled design, improvements were reported in survival441, 494, 667669 and immunization rates, 669 and reductions were noted in length of hospitalization and number of readmissions after discharge.666 conclusions. Strengthening health facilities and health systems is an essential aspect of communitybased programs to improve neonatal health. However, given the barriers that exist to care seeking for neonatal illness, 439, 569571 it is unlikely that utilization of facility-based services for newborn care in many communities will increase in the absence of demand creation, improved referral pathways, and quality of.
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Br j clin pharmacol 52 : 205- 2001, because doxazoisn finasteride. ICRS SCORE AND STIFFNESS REDUCTION OF CARTIL AGE IN THE OSTEOARTHROTIC KNEE RU Kleemann , A Cedro , D Kroc ker , J Tuischer , GN Duda 1 Center for Musculosk eletal Sur gery, Univ ersity Medicine Berlin, Free and Humboldt-University, Berlin, Augustenburger Platz 1, Ger m any AIM OF STUDY Substantial changes in articular cartilage composition and mec hanical properties occ ur in the development of OA. While there is agreement that the severe stage of OA pr ovides mechanical softeni ng of articular c artilage, there is a lac k of data describing the rel ation between s tiffness reducti on and visual appearance i n the mild and moderate stage of OA. T he objecti ve of the study was to quantify the loss of stiffness of arthrotic articular c artilage in each s tage of degeneration. Knowledge about the mec hanical quality is important for diagnostic reasons and for the understanding of the proc ess of degeneration and regener ation. METHODS Human tibia plateaus were taken from patients following total knee arthroplas ty n 21, age 7013 ; . T he cartilage ar eas were classified usi ng the ICRS Internati onal Cartilage Repair Society ; sc ore. Osteochondral plugs n 42, 6mm in diameter ; were taken from eac h s peci men and divi ded for mec hanical and histol ogical tests . A custom made high-precision material testing devic e was used to deter mine the bi phasic material properties of the cartilage using unconfined compression. After equilibration, stepwise loads of 0.019N were applied up to 25% strain, and the creep relaxation behavi our was rec orded. Histological anal ysis us ed HE-staining for morphological meas urements and safranin-O-staining for proteoglyc an c ontent. RESULTS Cartilage degenerati on and abrasi on was evident i n all s peci mens. T he original contac t ar ea the c artilage was dramaticall y reduc ed. In most cas es, a varus-gonarthrosis was prominent. Values obtai ned from the mec hanical tests showed a relation between increasi ng ICRS grade and stiffness reduction r 0.69, p 0.03 ; . Stiffness val ues were E1 0.500.14 MPa for ICRS Grade 1, E2 0.370.13 MPa for ICRS Grade 2 and E3 0.280.12 MPa for ICRS Grade 3. The histological evaluation s howed a clear matri x degradation of the more degenerated cartilage. The s uperficial and intermediate layer showed deteriorati on by means of fissur es and crac ks, hypercellul arity and a decreas e of Safranin-O and Collagen-II stai nability. Together with cloni ng of chondroc ytes, the crac ks reac hed the middle zone in Grade 2 of degeneration. T he cl efts and disruption increased to Grade 3 - both c hondroc yte cloning and hypocellularity were present, and the tidemar k was cross ed by blood vess els. The visual grading to ICRS class es was confirmed by histol ogical evaluation. CONCLUSIONS The deteriorated cartilage ar eas of the tibi a plateaus in OA knees showed 25% reduction of Young's modulus with each increasing ICRS Grade. In the progression of os teoarthrosis, the integrity of the extracellul ar matrix ECM ; is disrupted, causing fissures and clefts , and in cons equenc e, a reduction in stiffness. The significant correlation between mechanical properti es, visual and histological results s uggests that mec hanical bas ed testers may be us eful tools in clinical diagnostics. Stiffness determination may be a potential replac ement for biopsi es. However, it appears questionable if clinically ICRS Grade 1 may be depicted by pure mec hanical stiffness measurements due to the minor s tiffness decrease for ICRS Grade 1 in r espec t to intact c artilage and mesylate.
Blockers on cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in hypertension: the Nordic Diltiazem NORDIL ; study. Lancet 2000; 356: 359-65. Brown MJ, Palmer CR, Castaigne A, et al. Morbidity and mortality in patients randomised to double-blind treatment with a long-acting calcium-channel blocker or diuretic in the International Nifedipine GITS study: Intervention as a Goal in Hypertension Treatment INSIGHT ; . Lancet 2000; 356: 366-72. World Health Organization-International Society of Hypertension Guidelines for the Management of Hypertension. Guidelines Subcommittee. J Hypertens 1999; 17: 151-83. The sixth report of the Joint National Committee on prevention, detection, evaluation, and treatment of high blood pressure. Arch Intern Med 1997; 157: 2413-46. Pahor M, Psaty BM, Alderman MH, et al. Health outcomes associated with calcium antagonists compared with other first-line antihypertensive therapies: a meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials. Lancet 2000; 356: 1949-54. Neal B, MacMahon S, Chapman N. Effects of ACE inhibitors, calcium antagonists, and other blood-pressure-lowering drugs: results of prospectively designed overviews of randomised trials. Blood Pressure Lowering Treatment Trialists' Collaboration. Lancet 2000; 356: 1955-64. He J, Whelton PK. Selection of initial antihypertensive drug therapy. Lancet 2000; 356: 1942-3. ALLHAT Collaborative Research Group. Major cardiovascular events in hypertensive patients randomized to doxazoxin vs chlorthalidone: the antihypertensive and lipid-lowering treatment to prevent heart attack trial ALLHAT ; . JAMA 2000; 283: 1967-75. Yusuf S, Sleight P, Pogue J, Bosch J, Davies R, Dagenais G. Effects of an angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitor, ramipril, on cardiovascular events in high-risk patients. The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation Study Investigators. N Engl J Med 2000; 342: 145-53. Chan JC, Cockram CS, Nicholls MG, Cheung CK, Swaminathan R. Comparison of enalapril and nifedipine in treating non-insulin dependent diabetes associated with hypertension: one year analysis. BMJ 1992; 305: 981-5. Lau CP, Cheung BM. Relative efficacy and tolerability of lacidipine and amlodipine in patients with mild-to-moderate hypertension: a randomized double-blind study. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 1996; 28: 328-31. Cheung BM, Lau CP, Wu BZ. Amlodipine, felodipine, and isradipine in the treatment of Chinese patients with mild-to-moderate hypertension. Clin Ther 1998; 20: 1159-69.
My wife an RN ; brought your magazine home for me to read. More articles like "Herbal Remedies: Drug-Herb Interactions" April 2002: 22-32 ; are needed in today's media. The author brought up many issues affecting over 40% of the US population, that is, those who take supplements. I a naturopathic physician, trained at a 4-year naturopathic medical school National College of. 1- Iranian Center of Dental Research, Faculty of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science 2- Division of Radiation Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran 3- Department of operative dentistry, Faculty of Dentistry, Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Science 4- National Radiation Protection Department NRPD ; , Iranian Nuclear Regulatory Authority, Tehran, Iran 5- Division of Radiation Medicine, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran The level of natural radiation, in some regions of Ramsar a northern coastal city of Iran- is known as one of the highest level of natural radiation in the world. 226Ra, a radioactive element which exists in high concentrations in soil of region, is washed by underground waters and transferred to surface. In this way, 226Ra enters into food-chain of residents and substitutes in hard tissues of human body. The objectives of this research were to determine the concentration of 226Ra in teeth of people residing in high level natural areas, compared to control group and to assess "emanation system", as a method for measurement of concentration of 226Ra compared to "liquid scintillation system". The method of research was sample collection. Samples were studied in five groups of cases and compared with five control groups. 226Ra was separated from tooth tissue through chemical processes and determined by emanation and liquid scintillation systems. The average 226Ra concentrations measured by liquid scintillation system in teeth of people residing in high level natural radiation areas, was 0.32 mBq gr and in control group was 0.16 mBq gr. Emanation system could not measure 226Ra concentrations in both groups. 226Ra concentration in teeth of people residing in high level natural areas is higher than that in control area and liquid scintillation system is capable of determining very low concentrations of 226Ra in tooth. Diazoxide .38 DIBENZYLINE .30 diclofenac .35, 57 diclofenac potassium .46 diclofenac sodium, er, xr .46 dicloxacillin . 15 dicyclomine . 41 didanosine .11, 12 DIDRONEL injection .40 diflorasone .34 diflunisal .47 digitek .29 digoxin .29 dihydroergotamine .25 DILANTIN 30mg kapseal, infatab .25 dilor .58 dilor-g .58 dilt-xr .29 diltia xt .29 diltiazem .29 diltiazem, er, xr .29 diphenhydramine . 57, 58 diphenoxylate .40 diphtheria .43 diphtheria pertussis tetanus vaccine .44 diphtheria toxoid .43, 44 dipivefrin .55 dipyridamole .47 disopyramide, er .28 dispas . 41 disulfiram .26 DITROPAN XL .59 divalproex sodium .28 docetaxel .20 dofetilide . 31 dolagesic .24 dolorex .46 dolotic .37 donepezil . 21 dorzolamide .55 DOVONEX .33 eoxazosin .32 doxepin . 27, 35 doxercalciferol .51 DOXIL . 18 doxorubicin . 18 doxycycline . 16.
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