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Privacy and affront to dignity. A government inquiry was set up. The head of the hospital explained that informed consent wasn't sought because, "it would take a ten-minute explanation each time." He explained that if he had the money, "they would be 'delighted' to get consent." It became clear during the inquiry, Coney comments, that most of the professionals had, "only the dimmest view of what informed consent meant." Sir Frank Rutter, long-time chairman of the hospital board: "If a patient goes into National Women's Hospital not aware it's a teaching hospital, they're very naive. How else can students learn their practical skills?" The Auckland Star replied, "Just which hospital DO you go to if you're a woman, want medical treatment and do not want to become a class room exhibit." Dr. Tony Baird, chairman of the New Zealand Medical Association got on television and said, "Until recently it wasn't an issue. I'm very sorry that women feel they've been assaulted and violated in this way. This was never the intention." He had no idea then, asked the reporter, that women might object? "All I can say is that there have been no objections." "Could the reason be, " asked the interviewer, "that it's very hard for an anesthetized woman to know what's going on?" "That's absolutely ridiculous, " snapped Baird.[558].

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Title The patient-oriented eczema measure - Development and initial validation of a new tool for measuring atopic eczema severity from the patients' perspective Full source Archives of Dermatology, 2004, Vol 140, Iss 12, pp 1513-1519 Record 10 of 135 Authors RS Rogers, AJ Bruce Title Lichenoid contact stomatitis - Is inorganic mercury the culprit? Full source Archives of Dermatology, 2004, Vol 140, Iss 12, pp 1524-1525 Record 11 of 135 Authors DKL Cheuk, TCH Chau, SL Lee Title A meta-analysis on intravenous magnesium sulphate for treating acute asthma Full source Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2005, Vol 90, Iss 1, pp 74-77 Record 12 of 135 Authors SS Bhushan, S Cunningham Title Contact allergy to peanuts in bird feed Full source Archives of Disease in Childhood, 2005, Vol 90, Iss 1, pp 108 Record 13 of 135 Authors J Chiba, N Machinaga, T Takashi, A Ejima, G Takayama, M Yokoyama, A Nakayama, JJ Baldwin, E McDonald, KW Saionz, R Swanson, Z Hussain, A Wong Title Identified a morpholinyl-4-piperidinylacetic acid derivative as a potent oral active VLA-4 antagonist Full source Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters, 2005, Vol 15, Iss 1, pp 41-45 Record 14 of 135 Authors SJ Tebbutt, JQ He, KM Burkett, J Ruan, I Opushnyev, BW Tripp, JA Zeznik, CO Abara, CC Nelson, KR Walley Title Microarray genotyping resource to determine population stratification in genetic association studies of complex disease Full source Biotechniques, 2004, Vol 37, Iss 6, pp 977-985 Record 15 of 135 Authors BJ Lipworth, EJ Sims, K Taylor, W Cockburn, R Fishman Title Dose-response to salbutamol via a novel palm sized nebuliser Aerodose R ; Inhaler ; , conventional nebuliser Pari LC Plus ; and metered dose inhaler Ventolin TM ; Evohaler TM in moderate to severe asthmatics Full source British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2005, Vol 59, Iss 1, pp 513 Record 16 of 135 Authors Z Hussein, M Pitsiu, O Majid, L Aarons, M deLongueville, A Stockis Title Retrospective population pharmacokinetics of levocetirizine in atopic children receiving cetirizine: the ETAC R study Full source British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 2005, Vol 59, Iss 1, pp 28-37 Record 17 of 135 Authors JHJ Vernooy, JHN Lindeman, JA Jacobs, R Hanemaaijer, EFM Wouters Title Increased activity of matrix metalloproteinase-8 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 in induced sputum from patients with COPD Full source Chest, 2004, Vol 126, Iss 6, pp 1802-1810 and cinnarizine. There was not enough clinical evidence to suggest that either of the two drugs tested is a recommended treatment for HD, Dr. Kieburtz stressed the importance and the positive benefits of the study: a multi-centre trial can be successfully completed, and structures are in place to move new drugs quickly into human testing. On the HD family services side, there was a wide variety of sessions on such topics as family planning, marriage, nutrition, juvenile HD, talking to kids about HD, end of life issues, physical and occupational therapy, and legal planning. All of the sessions, led by experts in each of the areas, offered lots of information and useful tips for people with HD, caregivers, family members and friends. Safety ranking of the remainder of the antihistamine class is demonstrated in Figure 3. Loratadine has a better safety profile than terfenadine and astemizole, but it is significantly more toxic than cetirizine, fexofenadine, or diphenylhydramine. Consistent with the results shown in Figure 3, loratadine has been shown to cause QTc prolongation when co-administered with nefazodone, a calcium channel blocker 7 ; . Ideally ADME Tox screening involves a suite of assays that include CYP inductions, P-gp inhibition, and multiple toxicity assays. The most toxic compounds are identified in all assays, but some mechanism-based toxins require specific testing. A broad-based approach will more likely identify all toxins. Further study of this hypothesis is under-way. In summary, a metabolically active cell line coupled with a simple set of high-throughput tests can distinguish between closely related compounds. In the case of the antihistamines described in this paper, lives would have been saved, and expensive drug recalls would have been avoided. Simple, meaningful tests of this caliber should be routine in every drug development program and domperidone.

BLAAUW R. The vitamin A, iron, immunisation and anthropometric status of children 6-71 months of age in the Western and Northern Cape. Doktorale promotor: Prof D Labadarios. BUYS D. Evaluating the efficacy of a self-run training programme for maternity unit staff. Magister studieleier: Prof D Labadarios. COETZEE S. The evaluation of the nutritional status of adolescents with pulmonary tuberculosis. Magister studieleier: Prof D Labadarios. CRAFFORD M, BOER C, KRITZINGER K, DE WAAL S. Expectations of patients regarding dietetic services. Studieleier: Me S Coetzee. DEETLEFS M, ALLEY M, ACKERMANN E, BRINK A. Malnutrition in surgical wards in Tygerberg Hospital. Studieleier: Mev D Grobler-Barnard. EKERMANS T, ROBERTS I, VAN DER WESTHUIZEN C, OCHSE J. Assessment of glucose control in patients in intensive care units. Studieleier: Mej A Prins. GOEIMAN H. Die kennis, houding en insig van moeders en gesondheidswerkers ten opsigte van die pad na gesondheidskaart. Magister studieleier: Prof D Labadarios. HERSELMAN MG, NEL M, MOSTERT D, MOOSA MR, FRANSMAN A. Association between protein energy malnutrition and morbidity and mortality in haemodialysis patients. HOWES MF, DE VILLIERS M, STATHAM S, MENTOOR H, RHODA A, KOORNHOF HE, DREYER Y. Bishop Lavis Gemeenskapsgesondheidsentrum: Gemeenskapsbeplanning en deelnemende bestuur. HUME C, KITSHOFF M, HODGSON L, LOUWRENS L. Compliance to fluid restrictions in haemodialysis patients. Studieleier: Dr MG Herselman. LABADARIOS D, BLAAUW R. Comparison of two 20% lipid emulsions for use in patients receiving total parenteral nutrition. LABADARIOS D, MOODIE IM. Malawi national survey: Maternal and child vitamin A status. LABADARIOS D, MOODIE IM. Micronutrient status of children under 6 years of age in Ethiopia. LABADARIOS D, VILAKATI D, MOODIE IM. Vitamin A, iron and iodine status of children under 6 years of age in Swaziland. LOUW C, KITSHOFF M, VAN DER MERWE D, RICHTER M. Knowledge of primary health care sisters on healthy breast feeding practices. Studieleier: Mev W Du Toit. 1.Alkylamines Dexchlorpheniramine Polaramine ; Triprolidine Actifed syrup ; 2.Ethylenediamine 3.Ethanolamine Clemastine Maikohis ; Diphenhydramine Vena ; Carbinoxamine 4.Piperazine Cetirizime Zyretic ; 5.Phenothiazine Promethazine Pyrethia ; 6 scellaneous peripherally selective H1 antagonists Piperidine Loratidine ClarityneClarinase ; Cyproheptadine Periactin ; Terfenadine Astemizole Hismanal and cisapride. Your covered dependent child has a right to elect COBRA coverage if he or she is covered by a Companysponsored health care plan and loses coverage because of Your death. Your employment ending. Your work hours decreasing. Your divorce, legal separation, or dissolution of the domestic partnership. His or her loss of eligibility for coverage.

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Source: medicinenet asthma in children - read about asthma in kids children. Pharmacokinetics: cetirizine; pseudoephedrine is given orally and clemastine. In june 1999, sepracor announced a licensing agreement with ucb farchim sa, an affiliate of ucb ucb ; , relating to levocetirizine, an isomer of cetirizine, which is marketed by ucb as zyrtec-registered trademark- the ucb agreement. Proceedings of the national seminar on evidence based and integrated medicine for lymphatic filariasis, other chronic dermatoses and hiv aids and clopidogrel!
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Sexual exploitation of a child. 4 ; 'Child protection professional' means any person who is employed by the state or a political subdivision of the state as a law enforcement officer, school teacher, school administrator, or school counselor or who is employed to render services to children by the Department of Human Resources or any county board of health or county department of family and children services. 5 ; 'Eligible deaths' means deaths meeting the criteria for review by a county child fatality review committee including deaths resulting from Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, unintentional injuries, intentional injuries, medical conditions when unexpected or when unattended by a physician, or any manner that is suspicious or unusual. 6 ; 'Investigation' in the context of child death includes all of the following: A ; A post-mortem examination which may be limited to an external examination or may include an autopsy; B ; An inquiry by law enforcement agencies having jurisdiction into the circumstances of the death, including a scene investigation and interview with the childs parents, guardian, or caretaker and the person who reported the childs death; C ; A review of information regarding the child and family from relevant agencies, professionals, and providers of medical care. 7 ; 'Panel' means the Georgia Child Fatality Review Panel established pursuant to Code Section 19-15-4. The panel oversees the local child fatality review process and reports to the Governor on the incidence of child deaths with recommendations for prevention. 8 ; 'Protocol committee' means a multidisciplinary, multiagency child abuse protocol committee established for a county pursuant to Code Section 19-15-2. The protocol committee is charged with developing local protocols to investigate and prosecute alleged cases of child abuse. 9 ; 'Report' means a standardized form designated by the panel which is required for collecting data on child fatalities reviewed by local child fatality review committees. 10 ; 'Review committee' means a multidisciplinary, multiagency child fatality review committee established for a county or circuit pursuant to Code Section 19-15-3. The review committee is charged with reviewing all eligible child deaths to determine manner and cause of death and if the death was preventable. 11 ; 'Sexual abuse' means a persons employing, using, persuading, inducing, enticing, or coercing any minor who is not that persons spouse to engage in any act which involves: A ; Sexual intercourse, including genital-genital, oral-genital, anal-genital, or oral-anal, whether between persons of the same or opposite sex; B ; Bestiality; C ; Masturbation; D ; Lewd exhibition of the genitals or pubic area of any person; E ; Flagellation or torture by or upon a person who is nude; F ; Condition of being fettered, bound, or otherwise physically restrained on the part of a person who is nude; G ; Physical contact in an act of apparent sexual stimulation or gratification with any persons clothed or unclothed genitals, pubic area, or buttocks or with a females clothed or unclothed breasts; H ; Defecation or urination for the purpose of sexual stimulation; or I ; Penetration of the vagina or rectum by any object except when done as part of a recognized medical procedure. 'Sexual abuse' shall not include consensual sex acts involving persons of the opposite sex when the sex acts are between minors or between a minor and an adult who is not more than three years older than the minor. This provision shall not be deemed or construed to repeal any law concerning the age or capacity to consent. 12 ; 'Sexual exploitation' means conduct by a childs parent or caretaker who allows, permits, encourages, or requires that child to engage in: A ; Prostitution, as defined in Code Section 16-6-9; or B ; Sexually explicit conduct for the purpose of producing any visual or print medium depicting such conduct, as defined in Code Section 16-12-100. 19-15-2, establish a child abuse protocol a ; Each county shall be required to establish a child abuse protocol as provided in this Code section. Drugs and agents were administered via femoral vein. A non-competitive NMDA receptor channel antagonist and cromolyn.
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And serves as Secretary of the New York Glaucoma Society. He is currently the Principal Investigator of the New York site of the National Eye Institute's Ocular Hypertension Treatment Study, a nationwide glaucoma research project sponsored by the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Liebmann is the author or co-author of over 120 medical and scientific papers, book chapters, and abstracts, and has lectured widely in the United States and abroad on glaucoma diagnosis and management. John C. Moore President, Humphrey Instruments Mr. Moore is President of Humphrey Instruments, a division of Carl Zeiss, Inc. Prior to joining Humphrey Instruments, he was the Vice President and General Manager of the Carl Zeiss, Inc. Surgical Products Division. He joined Carl Zeiss, Inc. from Coherent Medical Group and Scientific Laser Division where he was the Vice President. Mr. Moore is a graduate of the University of Rochester and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in chemistry and general science and danocrine and cetirizine, for example, cetirizine hydrochloride dosage.

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Pharmacology and Therapeutics of the University of Liverpool hiv-druginteractions ; and the electronic journal Medscape : medscape. com home topics aids aids ; . Ritonavir deserves special mention. It is the most powerful inhibitor of cytochrome P3A known in medical therapeutics. Its capacity to inhibit metabolism of other PIs can be put to good use; increasingly, other PIs, such as indinavir, lopinavir, saquinavir, and amprenavir, are combined with small doses of ritonavir 100 mg twice daily ; to boost plasma drug levels and lengthen intervals between doses [15]. Compliance Compliance largely determines the long-term success or failure of HAART. The demands made upon compliance are greater than in most other diseases, because more than 95% of doses need to be taken correctly in order to ensure optimum re.

Emergency Surgery A surgical procedure performed within 24 hours of the sudden and unexpected severe symptom of an illness or within 24 hours of an accidental injury causing a life-threatening situation. Employee Employee means an individual on the Employer's W-2 payroll assigned to a position, defined as a special, probationary or regular full- or part-time position, who is scheduled to work 20 hours or more per week; or a member of City Council. An hourly employee, who is a supplemental employee, and is considered to be employed at-will, a contract worker, independent contractor and or temporary agency staff are not considered an Employee under this Plan. Employer Employer means the City of Colorado Springs, including its unincorporated enterprises other than Memorial Hospital who is not a participating employer in this Plan ; . Enroll, Enrollment The process of completing and submitting a written or electronic enrollment form indicating that the Employee requests coverage by the Plan. An Employee may request coverage for an Eligible Dependent only if he or she is or will be covered by the Plan. See the Eligibility chapter for details regarding the Enrollment process. Exclusions Specific conditions, treatments, circumstances, supplies and limitations, as set forth in the Exclusions chapter of this document, for which the Plan does not provide Plan Benefits. Exclusive Provider Organization EPO ; The In-Network Provider of Hospitals, Physicians, Pharmacies, medical laboratories, and or other Health Care Providers who have agreed to provide Medically Necessary services. Extended Care Facility See the definition of Skilled Nursing Facility. Experimental and or Investigational The service or supply is described as an alternative to more conventional therapies in the protocols the plan for the course of medical treatment that is under investigation ; or consent document the consent form signed by or on behalf of the patient ; of the Health Care Provider that performs the service or prescribes the supply which meets the requirements of subparagraphs a, b, c, or d: a. The prescribed service or supply may be given only with the approval of an Institutional Review Board as defined by federal law. In the opinion of the Plan Administrator or its designee, there is either an absence of authoritative medical or scientific literature on the subject, or a preponderance of such literature that is published in the United States, and is written by experts in the field, and i. shows that recognized medical or scientific experts classify the service or supply as experimental and or investigational; or, for instance, cetirizine alcohol.

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