

Values are means SEM of each group. Diet groups: soy protein without isoflavones S soy protein with isoflavones S + I soy protein without isoflavones and with fenofibrate S + F and soy protein with isoflavones and with fenofibrate S + I Strains: 129S4 SvJae mice + + genetically modified PPAR knockout mice ; as described in methods. 4 Three-way ANOVA analysis was performed; where analysis indicated significant difference existed P 0.05 ; , a T-test was used to compare + + and pairs. Asterisk denotes significance from + + P 0.05 ; . Overall 3-way ANOVA indicated significant main effects and interactions existed at P 0.05 as follows. sex, genotype, diet, sex x diet, and genotype x diet. Liver TG: genotype, diet, sex x diet, genotype x diet, and sex x genotype x diet all P 0.05 ; . Liver cholesterol: significant effects were genotype and diet. Aortic TG: genotype, sex x diet. Aortic cholesterol: genotype x diet and sex x genotype x diet. Serum TG: genotype, diet, sex x diet, and genotype x diet. Serum cholesterol: genotype, diet, sex x diet, genotype x diet.
This occurs regardless of which drug is administered first, for instance, soja isoflavone. More hospital beds in canada 8% ; are occupied by people with schizophrenia than by sufferers of any other medical condition the cost to canadian society due to hospitalization, disability payments, welfare payments, and lost wages ranks in the billions of dollars annually other costs--such as loss of individual potential, personal anguish, and family hardships--are impossible to measure.

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From the Departments of Epidemiology and Biostatistics Dr Rahme ; and Medicine Dr Pilote ; , McGill University; Division of Clinical Epidemiology, Montreal General Hospital Drs Rahme and Pilote and Research Center, Centre Hospitalier de l'Universite de MontrealHotel-Dieu Dr LeLorier ; , Montreal, Quebec. Dr LeLorier has served as a paid speaker for Merck & Co, Inc and isoniazid.

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The accreditation will be temporary and limited to the duration of the event and termination of the tests, whichever is the later. 4 ; Senior personnel from the accredited laboratory will supervise analytical operations. These personnel should be in suitable proportion relative to the local technical staff. 5 ; The head of the accredited laboratory will assume responsibility for all results generated by the laboratory during the period of the event. A technique that, again, may be more sensitive than slitlamp examination. The same researchers indicated that when slit lamp was used, only 30% of patients had a vortex pattern. The application of topical medications may contribute to the development of hurricane keratopathy. Dua and coworkers20 reported 6 cases of hurricane keratopathy that developed in eyes with no previous ocular surgeries. In 5 cases, long-term topical steroid use was a factor. Mackman and associates9 also reported 15 cases of hurricane keratopathy after PKP in patients who were using MaxitrolTM. We found no association between topical medications and the development of hurricane keratopathy. This may be due to the difference in our postoperative regimens compared to those of other studies. Mathers and Lemp8 also observed that after suture removal, the vortex pattern resolved and vasodilan, because 5 methoxy 7 methoxy isoflavone.
States. These proposals have been called by a number of names, including pharmacist-legend, pharmacist-only, third class of drugs, and transition class. Although there is some variation between them, the basic idea is the same: a class of drugs would be established that would be available only in pharmacies but no prescription would be needed. One variation is that the pharmacist would have to be personally involved in the sale of a drug in this class; a sales clerk could not sell the drug without the permission of the pharmacist. For additional information on the history of this issue in the United States, see appendix I. ; There are two general views on how an additional class of drugs would be used in the United States. The first, and the one advocated in the past by various pharmacist organizations such as the American Pharmaceutical Association APhA ; and the California Pharmacists Association, sees it as a permanent class. It would be similar to the current classes in that drugs would be placed in the class with no expectation that they would eventually be moved to the prescription or nonprescription class. Drugs in the new class would be thought not to be appropriate for use without some supervision by a health professional but a physician's oversight would not be necessary. Drugs in this middle class could come from either the prescription or nonprescription classes, although it is generally believed that they should come from the prescription class. Opponents of this proposal have included the Nonprescription Drug Manufacturers Association NDMA ; and the American Medical Association AMA ; . The second, advocated first in 1982 by the National Association of Retail Druggists NARD ; and currently supported by such groups as APhA and the National Consumers League, sees the intermediate class as a transition class. A drug that was being switched from prescription to nonprescription status would spend a period of time in the transition class, during which the suitability of the drug for general sale could be assessed.3 The assessment could be based not only on experiences with the drug as a prescription product as is currently done ; but also on experiences with the drug in the transition class, where it would not be limited to prescription sale. The argument is that this would give a better picture of how the drug would be used if it were available for general sale that is, without a prescription and outside of pharmacies ; . Information that could be gathered while the drug was in the transition class includes types and levels of misuse among the general public, incidents of adverse drug reactions, and interactions with other medications. At the end of a.

Fig. 4. Example thermograms of DPPC mixed with A ; formononetin, B ; irisolidone, C ; licoisoflavone A, and D ; 6, 8-diprenylgenistein and ketorolac.
Improvement of calcium solubility and bioavailability of calcium-fortified soymilk containing Lactobacillus acidophilus, L. casei and L. plantarum. Anne Lise Tang1, Karen Z. Walker2, Gisela Wilcox1, 3 Nagendra P. Shah1, Lily Stojanovska1 1. School of Biomedical Sciences and School of Molecular Sciences, Victoria University, Werribee Campus, PO Box 14428 Melbourne, Victoria 8001, Australia 2. Nutrition and Dietetics Unit, Department of Medicine, Monash University, 246, Clayton Road, Clayton, Vic 3168, Australia 3. Department of Medicine , Clinical Nutrition & Metabolism Unit and Body Composition Laboratory, Monash Medical Centre, 246, Clayton Road, Clayton, Vic 3168, Australia A high intake of dietary calcium through out life helps reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The amount of calcium available to the body depends not only on how much is consumed, but on the body's ability to absorb calcium and retain it. As soymilk contains significantly less calcium than cow's milk; calcium is often added as a fortificant, but it is unclear whether this added calcium is well absorbed. Soybeans, like other legumes contain myo-inositol hexaphosphate IP6 ; , also known as phytate, that can chelate calcium inhibiting its absorption. Fermenting soy milk with certain lactic acid bacteria can reduce the amount of IP6. These microorganisms produce the enzyme, phytase which hydrolyses IP6 to its lower IPs including; myo-inositol pentaphosphate IP5 ; , IP4, IP3 and IP1. Furthermore, fermenting soy milk with lactic acid bacteria increases the conversion of isoflavones to the biologically active aglycone form. These biologically active soy isoflavones have important actions in decreasing bone loss. Our study objective was to enhance calcium bioavailability from calcium-fortified soymilk by fermenting it with 6 strains of Lactobacillus namely L. acidophilus ATCC 4962, ATCC 33200, ATCC 4356, ATCC 4461, L. casei ASCC 290, and L. plantarum ASCC 276 to measure calcium solubility, IP6 and isoflavone content. Calcium-fortified soymilk, made from soy protein isolate, was inoculated with these bacterial strains, incubated for 24 h at 37C then stored for 14 d at 4C. Total and soluble calcium were measured using atomic absorption spectrophotometry AA ; . IP6 and isoflavone profile were measured using HPLC. Viability of the strains in the fermented calcium-fortified soymilk was 7.5 log 10 CFU g at the end of 24 hours of incubation and this was maintained for 14 d storage at 4C. After 24 h fermentation, there was a significant increase P 0.05 ; in soluble calcium possibly due to a pH decrease in the fermented calcium-fortified soymilk. L. acidophilus ATCC 4962 and L. plantarum ASCC 276 demonstrated 76.6% and 70.3% increase in calcium solubility respectively. The productions of the enzyme phytase during fermentation led to the degradation of IP6 to its lower IPs. Fermentation of calcium-fortified soymilk also increased P 0.05 ; the level of conversion of isoflavones into biologically active aglycones by glucosidase activity. Our results show that fermenting calcium-fortified soymilk with L. acidophilus, L. casei and L. plantarum can potentially enhance the bioavailability of calcium from calcium-fortified.

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It is difficult to talk with family about dying or being unable to communicate. However, it is important to talk with your family about your wishes and ask them to follow your wishes. You do not always know when or where an illness or accident will occur. it is likely that your family would be the first ones called in an emergency. They are the best source of providing advance directives to a health care provider. organ and tissue donation increasing the quality of life for another person is the ultimate gift. donating your organs is a way to help others. Making your wishes concerning organ donation clear to your physician and family is an important first step. This lets them know that you wish to be an organ donor. organ donation is controlled by the indiana uniform anatomical gift act. a person that wants to donate organs may include their choice in their will, living will, on a card, or other document. if you do not have a written document for organ donation, someone else will make the choice for you. a common method used to show that you are an organ donor is making the choice on your driver's license. When you get a new or renewed license, you can ask the license branch to mark your license showing you are an organ donor. HealtH Care rePresentatiVe a "health care representative" is a person you choose to receive health care information and make health care decisions for you when you cannot. to choose a health care representative, you must fill out an appointment of health care representative document that names the person you choose to act for you. Your health care representative may agree to or refuse medical care and treatments when you are unable to do so. Your representative will make these choices based on your advance directive. if you want, in certain cases and in consultation with your physician, your health care representative may decide if food, water, or respiration should be given artificially as part of your medical treatment. Choosing a health care representative is part of the indiana Health Care Consent act, found at indiana Code 16-36-1. The advance directive naming a health care representative must be in writing, signed by you, and witnessed by another adult. because these are serious decisions, your health care representative must make them in your best interest. indiana courts have made it clear that decisions made for you by your health care representative should be honored. liVing Will a "living will" is a written document that puts into words your wishes in the event that you become terminally ill and unable to communicate. a living will is an advance directive that lists the specific care or treatment you want or do not and ketotifen. DMF, the reaction mixture was heated in microwave oven Kenmore U88; Sears-Roebuck, Chicago ; for 30 s on medium energy setting, and then 4 mL methanesulfonyl chloride was added to the mixture. The mixture was heated again in the microwave oven for 70 s on medium energy setting and 400 mL cold water was added to the reaction mixture, giving a light-yellow precipitate. The precipitate was washed with water and recrystallized from methanol. The genistin, daidzin, and acetylgenistin used were from previous work in this laboratory 6 ; . Glycitin was purified according to Farmakalidis and Murphy 9 ; . Glycitein was purified from soygerm by using the following method. Soygerm Schouten Industries, Inc ; was hydrolyzed in 0.1 mol HCl L at 98 for 2 h, extracted with acetonitrile, and filtered through number 42 filter paper Whatman; Micron Separation, Inc, Westborough, MA ; . The filtrate was dried by using a rotary evaporator at 50 C. The residue was dissolved in 100% ethanol and applied to a Sephadex LH-20 column Pharmacia LKB Biotech Inc ; with 50% ethanol as the eluent. The glycitein peak was collected and freeze-dried. The identification and purity of glycitein was confirmed by HPLC retention time, ultraviolet spectral analysis, melting point, and mass spectrum. Calibration curves and calculation of food concentrations Isoflvone stock solutions were prepared by dissolving pure standards in 80% methanol to give a concentration of 400 mg L. A portion of the solution was then diluted to give an absorbance. PROHIBITION OF SALE, SUPPLY AND OR USE Not applicable. Detailed information on this veterinary medicinal product is available on the website of the European Medicines Agency EMEA ; : emea ropa and lamictal. 4 1 2 keywords: peroxisome proliferator activated receptor ppar ; , soy, isoflavones, triglycerides, cholesterol, lipid metabolism.
W7, `100% payment for kidney donor'. Either modifier will allow for 100% reimbursement of the live kidney donor services. Postoperative services would continue to be billed with the Q3 modifier. For DOS 1 04 and after, providers should submit live kidney donor preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative services with only modifier Q3 `Live kidney donor surgery and related services'. This modifier allows 100% reimbursement of the live kidney donor's medical services. Any services for DOS 1 04 and after billed with the W7 modifier will be returned as unprocessable. Providers were not able to use the Q3 modifier prior to 2003 for preoperative and intraoperative services as the description previously read `Live kidney donor; services associated with postoperative medical complications directly related to the donation'. With the modifier description change made in 2003, providers are now able for DOS 1 03 and after to use the Q3 modifier for services previously billed with the W7 modifier. Providers should report the transplant surgery codes 50320 or 50547 ; and anesthesia charges code 00862 ; to Medicare Part B for the living donor. These services should be billed under the Medicare number of the beneficiary who is receiving the transplant services. For covered postoperative care services for the live kidney donor, the "Q3" modifier must be reported with the service in order for 100% reimbursement to be made. If the modifier is not reported, Medicare B will not be able to determine that the services are for the donor and reimbursement may be denied or not allowed at 100%. NOTE: If the kidney donor services are from a cadaver, they are considered part of the organ acquisition program and should be billed to Medicare Part A. Per CR 2215, PM-AB-02-113 also see the following Bulletins: IL June 1995, page 4 and IL April 1996, page 7; MCM 13014 and lamotrigine.
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As the November elections clearly showed, people throughout the country were focusing on the war on terrorism and homeland security, rather than domestic issues such as health care delivery. Now in control of the House and the Senate and the White House, Republicans are expected to pursue their health care privatization efforts with regard to Medicare, a prescription drug benefit, tax incentives for the purchase of long term care insurance, and tax credits for the uninsured. While social security privatization is not under discussion as of now, it may well be addressed as time goes on. Voices are emerging however, for a national health insurance plan to address the burden of the uninsured, deeply affecting the states. The unemployed are unable to afford health insurance, others are underemployed and do not receive benefits, and the cost of care for those eligible for Medicaid is overwhelming state and local budgets. The federal government has now made available information on all 17, 000 nursing homes throughout the country to assist consumers in making choices. The government's website provides information on quality measures and complaints. Information is available for each nursing home and on ten quality indicators including prevalence of bed sores, use of physical restraints, and deficiencies resulting from inspections. The information is available on the government's website, medicare.gov or by calling 1-800-Medicare. The definition of homebound for Medicare beneficiaries receiving home health benefits has been further clarified to allow persons with chronic disabilities to occasionally leave their homes for special nonmedical events such as a family reunions, a graduation, or a funeral. Homebound persons will now be able to leave home for brief periods of time without risking termination of their home health benefits coverage. This clarification is in addition to the change in law sought by the Alzheimer's Association to allow individuals to attend adult day care and continue to receive home health services. An item of particular importance is passage of the appropriations bills not passed when Congress adjourned in December. Congress is now making progress toward passing the FY2003 bills including legislation to increase funding for Alzheimer's research at the National Institutes of Health NIH ; . As of this writing, Congress is expected to finish work on the appropriations bills in mid-February. It is not clear at this time how large the research increase will be or what will happen with regard to the National Family Caregiver Support Program and Alzheimer's Disease Demonstration Grant Program. This is an important year for the voices of the Alzheimer's community to be heard in Washington. The 15th Annual Alzheimer's Association Public Policy Forum will be held at the Capital Hilton Hotel in Washington D.C., March 29-April 1. For general information, call 202-393-7737. For registration information, call 312-335-5734. Information is available on-line at On Tuesday, April 8th, our Coalition of chapters lobby day will alz publicpolicy2003. be held in Albany. We will leave NYC at approximately 8am and return by 8pm. This is an opportunity to meet with our NYC State Advocacy legislators to present the Legislative Agenda issues and advoWith regard to the state, advocates must be prepared for serious cate on behalf of persons with Alzheimer's and their families challenges ahead. Governor Pataki announced a budget shortfall for and others who provide needed supports. Please join us for this the fiscal year ending March 31st of $2.2 billion. Projections for the coming fiscal year are $9.3 billion. At this point in time, the governor is important day. For further information and to register, please opposed to raising taxes. He has put in place a hiring freeze and sought contact me at 212-983-0700, ext. 219. a 5 percent reduction in state agency budgets for the remaining months -- Ann Berson, Public Policy Coordinator in the current fiscal year. In early December, in order to deal with the, for example, isoflavones estrogen.

Also see pages 98 and 100 - 115 and 142 - 144 140 - 140 Dangers of Dietary Isoflavones at levels above those found in traditional diets The Risks Of Abandoning "The Precautionary Principle" by Soy Online Service . : soyonlineservice.co.nz "Soy - Abundance Of Health Hazards" . : mayanmajix soy01 and levothyroxine.

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16 17 Dana Gelb Safran, et al., "Prescription Drug Coverage and Seniors: How Well Are States Closing the Gap?" Health Affairs, July 31, 2002 web exclusive, available online at : healthaffairs WebExclusives Safran Web Excl 073102 and lithobid. Figtree, G.A., Griffiths, H., Lu, Y.Q., Webb, C.M., MacLeod, K. and Collins, P. 2000 ; Plant-derived estrogens relax coronary arteries in vitro by a calcium antagonistic mechanism. J Coll Cardiol, 35, 1977-85. Jemal, A., Tiwari, R.C., Murray, T., Ghafoor, A., Samuels, A., Ward, E., Feuer, E.J. and Thun, M.J. 2004 ; Cancer statistics, 2004. CA Cancer J Clin, 54, 8-29. Albert, M.R. and Ostheimer, K.G. 2003 ; The evolution of current medical and popular attitudes toward ultraviolet light exposure: part 3. J Acad Dermatol, 49, 1096-106. D'Errico, M., Teson, M., Calcagnile, A., Nardo, T., De Luca, N., Lazzari, C., Soddu, S., Zambruno, G., Stefanini, M. and Dogliotti, E. 2005 Differential role of transcriptioncoupled repair in UVB-induced response of human fibroblasts and keratinocytes. CancerRes, 65 432-43. Bohm, M., Wolff, I., Scholzen, T.E., Robinson, S.J., Healy, E., Luger, T.A., Schwarz, T. and Schwarz, A. 2005 ; alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone protects from ultraviolet radiation-induced apoptosis and DNA damage. J Biol Chem, 280, 5795-802. Yamazaki, F., Okamoto, H., Miyauchi-Hashimoto, H., Matsumura, Y., Itoh, T., Tanaka, K., Kunisada, T. and Horio, T. 2004 ; XPA gene-deficient, SCF-transgenic mice with epidermal melanin are resistant to UV-induced carcinogenesis. J Invest Dermatol, 123, 220-8. Wei, H., Bowen, R., Cai, Q., Barnes, S. and Wang, Y. 1995 ; Antioxidant and antipromotional effects of the soybean jsoflavone genistein. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med, 208, 124-30. Wei, H., Bowen, R., Zhang, X. and Lebwohl, M. 1998 ; Isoflavonf genistein inhibits the initiation and promotion of two-stage skin carcinogenesis in mice. Carcinogenesis, 19, 150914. Wei, H., Wei, L., Frenkel, K., Bowen, R. and Barnes, S. 1993 ; Inhibition of tumor promoterinduced hydrogen peroxide formation in vitro and in vivo by genistein. Nutr Cancer, 20, 112. Cai, Q. and Wei, H. 1996 ; Effect of dietary genistein on antioxidant enzyme activities in SENCAR mice. Nutr Cancer, 25, 1-7. Wei, H., Barnes, S. and Wang, Y. 1995 ; The inhibition of tumor promoter-induced protooncogene expression mouse skin by soybean isoflavone genistein Oncol. Rep., 3, 125-128. Wang, Y., Zhang, X., Lebwohl, M., DeLeo, V. and Wei, H. 1998 ; Inhibition of ultraviolet B UVB ; -induced c-fos and c-jun expression in vivo by a tyrosine kinase inhibitor genistein. Carcinogenesis, 19, 649-54. Wei, H., Cai, Q. and Rahn, R.O. 1996 ; Inhibition of UV light- and Fenton reaction-induced oxidative DNA damage by the soybean isoflavone genistein. Carcinogenesis, 17, 73-7. Brown, A., Jolly, P. and Wei, H. 1998 ; Genistein modulates neuroblastoma cell proliferation and differentiation through induction of apoptosis and regulation of tyrosine kinase activity and N-myc expression. Carcinogenesis, 19, 991-7. Wei, H., Saladi, R., Lu, Y., Wang, Y., Palep, S.R., Moore, J., Phelps, R., Shyong, E. and Lebwohl, M.G. 2003 ; Ioflavone genistein: photoprotection and clinical implications in dermatology. J Nutr, 133, 3811S-3819S. Edwards, S.M., Donnelly, T.A., Sayre, R.M., Rheins, L.A., Spielmann, H. and Liebsch, M. 1994 ; Quantitative in vitro assessment of phototoxicity using a human skin model, Skin2. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed, 10, 111-7. Augustin, C., Collombel, C. and Damour, O. 1997 ; Use of dermal equivalent and skin equivalent models for identifying phototoxic compounds in vitro. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed, 13, 27-36. Cannon, C.L., Neal, P.J., Southee, J.A., Kubilius, J. and Klausner, M. 1994 ; New epidermal model for. dermal irritancy testing. Toxicology in Vitro, 8, 889?91. 24.

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Supporting references: Setchell KDR, Zimmer-Nechemias L, Cai J, Heubi JE. Exposure of infants to phyto-oestrogens from soy-based infant formula. Lancet 1997; 350: 23-27 Setchell KDR, Zimmer-Nechemias L, Cai J, Heubi JE. Iskflavone content of infant formulas and the metabolic fate of these phytoestrogens in early life. American Journal Clinical Nutrition 1998; 68: 1453S1461S. ; . Brown NM, Setchell KDR. Animal models impacted by phytoestrogens in commercial chow: implications for pathways influenced by hormones. Laboratory Investigation 2001; 81: 735-747. Setchell KDR, Brown NM, Zimmer-Nechemias L, Brashear WT, Wolfe B, Kirschner AS, Heubi JE. Evidence for lack of absorption of soy isoflavone glycosides in humans, supporting the crucial role of intestinal metabolism for bioavailability. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 2002; 76: 447-453 ; . Setchell KDR. Soy isoflavones benefits and risks from nature's selective estrogen receptor modulators. Journal of American College of Nutrition 2001; 20: 354S-362S. Thigpen JE, Setchell KDR, Ahlmark KB, Locklear J. Spahr T, Caviness GF, Goelz MF, Haseman JK, Newbold RR, Forsythe DB. Phytoestrogen content of purified open- and closed-formula laboratory diets. Laboratory Animal Science 1999; 49: 530-536. Thigpen, JE, Setchell KDR, Saunders HE, Haseman JK, Grant MG, Forsythe DB. Selecting the appropriate rodent diet for endocrine disruptor research and testing studies. ILAR Journal 2004; 45: 401414. CC. Dr. David Schwartz Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences NIEHS.
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INTENSITY MILD MODERATE SEVERE WITH ADVERSE EXPERIENCES : 78 82.1% 66 BODY SYSTEM : PREFERRED TERM N % N % N % 10.5 11 TOOTH DISORDER 0 0.0 2 2.1 0 0.0 ULCERATIVE STOMATITIS 0 0.0 0 0.0 1 1.1 VOMITING 2 2.1 3 Hemic and Lymphatic System EOSINOPHILIA LEUKOPENIA Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders HYPERGLYCEMIA THIRST WEIGHT LOSS Musculoskeletal System ARTHRALGIA Nervous System ABNORMAL DREAMS AGITATION AMNESIA CONCENTRATION IMPAIRED DEPERSONALIZATION DEPRESSION DIZZINESS DRUG DEPENDENCE EMOTIONAL LABILITY EUPHORIA HALLUCINATIONS HOSTILITY HYPERKINESIA HYPERTONIA HYPESTHESIA INSOMNIA MYOCLONUS NERVOUSNESS SOMNOLENCE THINKING ABNORMAL TREMOR Respiratory System 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 0.0 1.1 0.0 1.1 0.0 28.4 1.1 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 2.1 1.1 2.1 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 36.8 3.2 1.1 0.0 1.1 0.0 1.1 17.9 0.0 3.2 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 4.2 0.0 3.2 6.3 0.0 6.3 7.4 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.1 0.0 0.0 2.1 1.1.

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