

We believe, however, that the ssp will prove to have several significant advantages over glaucoma medications: maintenance of lower iop versus the temporary reduction from medications, a one-time surgery as compared to a lifetime of daily drug use, less expensive over time, fewer side effects, no daily drug compliance issues, avoidance of drug effectiveness intolerance issues, and at the same time, a reduction or elimination of presbyopia along with iop reduction.
Lovastatin and AICAR Combination Therapy in EAE 1013 AJP September 2006, Vol. 169, No. 3. Le conseil est approuv par le ministre; d ; au moment du versement de la cotisation, le rgime n'est pas un rgime dsign aux termes de l'article 8515. Cotisations requises par la lgislation sur les prestations de pension 3 ; La cotisation qu'un employeur verse un rgime de pension agr est vise au prsent paragraphe si les conditions suivantes sont runies : a ; elle est verse, la fois : i ; conformment aux exigences de la Loi de 1985 sur les normes de prestation de pension ou d'une loi provinciale semblable, ii ; relativement des prestations assures aux termes des dispositions prestations dtermines du rgime, tel qu'il est agr, iii ; sur le conseil d'un actuaire; b ; le conseil est fond sur une valuation actuarielle qui remplit les conditions suivantes : i ; la date de prise d'effet de l'valuation prcde d'au plus quatre ans le jour du versement de la cotisation, ii ; toutes les hypothses formules en vue de l'valuation sont raisonnables au moment o celle-ci est tablie ainsi qu'au moment o la cotisation est verse, iii ; si plus d'un employeur participe au rgime, l'actif et la dette actuarielle sont rpartis de faon raisonnable entre les employeurs; c ; le conseil est approuv par le ministre; d ; au moment du versement de la cotisation, le rgime n'est pas un rgime dsign aux termes de l'article 8515. Convention de capitalisation partage 4 ; La cotisation qu'un employeur verse un rgime de pension agr est vise au prsent paragraphe si les conditions suivantes sont runies : a ; les employeurs participants et les participants au rgime se partagent la responsabilit en matire de gouvernance du rgime; b ; la cotisation est verse conformment une convention, approuve par le ministre, en vertu de laquelle il est raisonnable de s'attendre ce que, long terme, le droit des participants au surplus actuariel, leur obligation de provisionner les insuffisances actuarielles et leur obligation de verser rgulirement des cotisations pour services courants, aux termes des dispositions prestations dtermines du rgime, reprsentent au moins 66 2 3 %, mais au plus 100 %, de chaque droit ou obligation semblable des employeurs participants; c ; la cotisation est une cotisation pour services courants qui serait une cotisation admissible selon le paragraphe 147.2 2 ; de la Loi si aucune cotisation n'tait vise par rglement pour l'application de ce paragraphe et si ce paragraphe s'appliquait compte non tenu de ses sous-alinas d ; ii ; et iii d ; le conseil conformment auquel la cotisation est verse est tel que les cotisations pour services courants verser par l'employeur et ses employs aux termes des dispositions n'excdent pas : i ; si surplus actuariel quant l'employeur reprsente au plus 10 % des dettes actuarielles qui lui ont t attribues au.
Mark's web page; goog ; medication side effects lovastatin; promethazine hcl; adhd medication strattera. The prescription drug formulary is updated quarterly for Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oklahoma and BlueLincs HMO members with a three-tier drug plan. The most current formulary listing is available on the prescription drug information page at bcbsok . The following changes have been made to the prescription drug formulary.
Active Ingredients Oral and sterile penicillins . Oral and sterile cefalosporins . Clavulanic acid and mixtures with clavulanic acid Classical and semisynthetic erythromycins . Tiamuline . Lovastatin, Simvastatin, Pravastatin . Vancomycin . Thyroxine and mevacor.

Table 1 ; . In was g r e such as L'Elorn in F r were s i m was l o w Looe. The most d r a example was t h e Humber, w h i c watershed. Although s e d were h i g Pb, t h e s Humber b e c the sediment. O b s proved t h i 1982 ; h a s shown t h a and M b a HC1 e x t and c o n and M b a HNO3 e x t 100 urn f r a 1982 ; . T h work of B r 1981 ; which showed t h a Modiolus d e m and c r a Uca p un.aj ; o c c low l e v than sediment component c o n also appear to influence metal b i o from s e d anywhere in t h when h i g Luoma and B r y but n o t and Pb t o marsh p l a Gambrell e t a from t h e Luoma and Bryan a l s was of l o e.g., inner Poole Harbor ; . The a v a Naanthes a r e from s u b from s u r due t o d redox p o t iana M b Ith ica Luc-ma a n d B seven a n o and d u r one m u d enhancements of Cu a accompanied lower c o n enhancement was not i d e Bryan 1985 ; s u m for a number of t r and t h a from sediments to aquatic organisms. I t must be e m conclusions are preliminary. R e s among s p e and d e f have o n l been c o n few s p e From B r y and o u r High c o n Hg, P b , A s , Zn, and p o s and Cu. S e d carbon or e x may c o n but t h e most biota. 2 ; Under some c i r some s p e.

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Challenge. He can handle the stress. And so his body is not ready to admit all those bugs that he comes into contact with everyday. We become ill because we are ready for the illness, not just because there happen to be some bugs out there. Some very interesting studies have been made on the connection, for example, between the emotions and cancer. And many medical researchers -- among them Claus Bahnson of Denmark, Dr. Kissin of and maxalt, for example, use of lovastatin. Take lovastatin at around the same time s ; every day.

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The best way to know if your medicines are working is to have regular blood tests to measure your viral load and cd4 cell count and rizatriptan. A significantly different from lovastatin, ancova, p≤ 05 b significantly different from pravastatin, ancova, p≤ 05 c significantly different from simvastatin, ancova, p≤ 05 the impact on clinical outcomes of the differences in lipid-altering effects between treatments shown in table 3 is not known.

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Cream treats sun damage november 25, 2002 ; ivanhoe newswire ; - a new topical medication can effectively treat signs of aging due to repeated exposure to the sun, report researchers in this month's archives of dermatology and mellaril. Statins are remarkably safe, says new review - jun 11, 2007 medscape subscription ; she notes that routine monitoring of liver function after starting statin treatment is no longer recommended for simvastatin, pravastatin, or lovastatin up lipid-lowering drugs protect against peripheral diabetic neuropathy - jun 22, 2007 pr newswire press release ; , by then atorvastatin was the predominant statin, although simvastatin and pravastatin also continued to be in use.

Lopinavir ritonavir is metabolized by CYP3A. Co-administration of lopinavir ritonavir and drugs that induce CYP3A may decrease lopinavir plasma concentrations and reduce its therapeutic effect see Table 3: Established and Other Potentially Significant Drug Interactions ; . Although not noted with concurrent ketoconazole, co-administration of lopinavir ritonavir and other drugs that inhibit CYP3A may increase lopinavir plasma concentrations. Drugs that are contraindicated and not recommended for co-administration with lopinavir ritonavir are included in Table 2: Drugs That Should Not Be Co-administered With Lopinavir ritonavir. These recommendations are based on either drug interaction studies or predicted interactions due to the expected magnitude of interaction and potential for serious events or loss of efficacy. Particular caution should be used when prescribing sildenafil, tadalafil, or vardenafil in patients receiving Lopimune. Co-administration of Lopimune with these drugs is expected to substantially increase their concentrations and may result in an increase in associated adverse events including hypotension, syncope, visual changes and prolonged erection. Concomitant use of Lopimune with lovastatin or simvastatin is not recommended. Caution should be exercised if HIV protease inhibitors, including Lopimune, are used concurrently with other HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors that are also metabolized by the CYP3A4 pathway e.g., atorvastatin ; . The risk of myopathy, including rhabdomyolysis may be increased when HIV protease inhibitors, including Lopimune, are used in combination with these drugs. Concomitant use of Lopimune and St. John's wort hypericum perforatum ; , or products containing St. John's wort, is not recommended. Co-administration of protease inhibitors, including Lopimune, with St. John's wort is expected to substantially decrease protease inhibitor concentrations and may result in sub-optimal levels of lopinavir and lead to loss of virologic response and possible resistance to lopinavir or to the class of protease inhibitors. A drug interaction study in healthy subjects has shown that ritonavir significantly increases plasma fluticasone propionate exposures, resulting in significantly decreased serum cortisol concentrations. Concomitant use of Lopimune and fluticasone propionate is expected to produce the same effects. Systemic corticosteroid effects including Cushing's syndrome and adrenal suppression have been reported during postmarketing use in patients receiving ritonavir and inhaled or intranasally administered fluticasone propionate. Therefore, coadministration of fluticasone propionate and Lopimune is not recommended unless the potential benefit to the patient outweighs the risk of systemic corticosteroid side effects and thioridazine. Methodological comments G Comparability of treatment groups: demographic characteristics were balanced. Groups had similar duration of eczema history, but the once-daily group had a longer duration of their current exacerbation. G Method of data analysis: success for global assessment score: data analysed using the normal approximation to the binomial test, as per the original analysis of the full study population. Data summarised by category cleared, excellent, good, fair, little, worse ; , by visit and by age category for last visit attended. Data analysed using a proportional odds model, using age category as an explanatory variable in the model. Interaction between age and treatment also tested. Success rate for overall signs and symptoms at last visit attended compared using Fisher's exact test. Not ITT analysis. G Sample size power calculation: not performed. Power would be less than for the main analysis. G Attrition drop-out: 19 patients in each group withdrew from study. See table above for reasons. General comments G Generalisability: children aged 12 years or less, for example, lovastatin memory!

Mar 29, 2007 drug newswire press release ; , monly prescribed statins: lipitor r ; atorvastatin calcium ; , zocor r ; simvastatin ; , pravachol r ; pravastatin sodium ; and mevacor r ; lovastatin and mexitil. Hmg-coa reductase inhibitors are available only with your doctor's prescription, in the following dosage forms: oral atorvastatin tablets and canada ; cerivastatin tablets # fluvastatin capsules and canada ; lovastatin extended-release tablets ; tablets and canada ; pravastatin tablets and canada ; simvastatin tablets and canada ; # removed from the market by bayer in august 200 before using this medicine in deciding to use a medicine, the risks of taking the medicine must be weighed against the good it will do.

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In relation to counselling1a ; establishing standards for approval of counsellors as "approved counsellors", as required by the code of practice or directions of human reproductive technology act 1991 for counselling within licensed clinics, and for counselling services available in the community; recommending to the reproductive technology council council ; those counsellors deemed suitable for council approval or interim approval, and reconsidering those referred back to the committee by the council for further information; monitoring and reviewing of the work of any approved counsellor; convening training programs for counsellors if required; establishing a process whereby counsellors may have approval withdrawn or may appeal a council decision; reporting annually as required by council for its annual report to the commissioner of health, including information on its own activities and information reported to it by approved counsellors; advising and assisting the council on matters relating to consultation with relevant bodies in the community and the promotion of informed public debate in the community on issues relating to reproductive technology; advising the council on matters relating to access to information held on the ivf and donor registers; and advising the council on psychosocial matters relating to reproductive technology as the council may request and mexiletine.

Cells an extrinsic pathway mediated by one or more death receptors, and an intrinsic pathway mediated by the mitochondria [38]. In the extrinsic death receptor ligands pathway, caspase activation occurs as a direct consequence of death receptor ligation, with upstream caspase-8 cleaving and activating downstream proteases such as caspase-9 and caspase-3. In the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway, Bax , a member of the Bcl-2 family, plays the leading role. Bax normally resides in the cytosol in a quiescent state. After an apoptotic stimulus, Bax is translocated into the mitochondria and promotes the release of cytochrome c [24], possibly by forming a pore [39] or a voltage-dependent anion channel VDAC ; [40] in the outer mitochondrial membrane. Both the death receptor and the mitochondrial pathways are linked by the cleavage of Bid by caspase-8. It is known that cleaved Bid also translocates to mitochondria and induces Bax-dependent release of cytochrome c [41]. Once out in the cytosol, cytochrome c activates Apaf-1, which then activates procaspase-9 which, in turn, activates caspase-3, triggering apoptosis. We initially confirmed lovastatin-induced cell death is by apoptosis rather than necrosis using both TUNEL LM and TUNEL TEM techniques. Although elevated caspase-8, -9, and -3 activities were observed in lovastatin-treated cells, the fact that lovastatin-induced cell death was reduced by both the broad-spectrum caspase inhibitor, z-VAD-fmk, and inhibitors specific for caspase-9 and 3 z-LEHD-fmk and z-DEVD-fmk, respectively ; , but that cell death was not reduced by exposure to z-IETD-fmk, the inhibitor specific for caspase-8, strongly suggests that the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway is engaged in lovastatin-induced apoptosis. This is further indicated by the decrease in the m and the release of. In a first aspect of this embodiment, an effective medication for treating a cold, the flu, or a related symptom may be prepared by combining at least one of the pain-relieving and or anti-inflammatory, antihistaminic, and or decongestant pharmaceuticals listed in table 1 with at least one of the immune-boosting, antioxidant, and or liver protective nutraceuticals listed in table 1, and compounding them into a pharmaceutically acceptable dosage form and micardis.

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The rapid repolymerization of actin cables after rescue with MVA made it unlikely that de novo synthesis of new actin Table II. Microinjection of MVA, FPP, or GGPP Induces Morphologic Reversion of Lovastatin-treated Cells. Blow molding machine with extender. Capacity 0.5 ton hour. Manufacture deferent shapes and volumes, from 100-1000 cc single screw machine, full automatic. Two feeders, one for virgin polymer and other for master batch, with all the accessories. Fenofibrate Micronized 200mg Tablet Fenofibrate Micronized 200mg Capsule Gemfibrozil 600mg Tablet Lovastaatin 20mg Tablet Simvastatin 10mg Tablet Simvastatin 20mg Tablet and telmisartan and lovastatin.

MATEriAl ANd METhods The Netherlands Pharmacovigilance Centre Lareb maintains the spontaneous adverse drug reaction reporting system in the Netherlands on behalf of the Dutch Medicines Evaluation Board. Physicians and pharmacists have been reporting adverse drug reactions ADRs ; to Lareb since 1985. Patients may report ADRs since April 2003. Lareb reports are sent to the European Medicines Agency EMEA ; , and are included in the worldwide database of the World Health Organisation WHO.

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Divyeshkumar M. Bhatt, M.D. Cardiovascular Disease 815 ; 725-2121 Steven A. Cataldo, M.D. Internal Medicine 815 ; 725-2121. Chaimanee, Y., Jolly, D., Benammi, M., Tafforeau, P., Duzer, D., Moussa, I., & Jaeger, J.-J. 2003 ; . A middle Miocene hominoid from Thailand and orangutan origins. Nature, 422, 6165. Grehan, J. R. 2005 ; Orangutans and the enigma of human origins. The Systematist, 2005 24 ; , 37. Meldrum, D. J., Fleagle, J. G., & Keith, A. 1985 ; . Human-ape phylogeny: The anatomical evidence [Abstract]. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, 66 Suppl. ; , 205206. Morgan, E. 1994 ; . The Scars of Evolution. Oxford University Press. Morris, S. C. 2003 ; . Life's Solution: Inevitable Humans in a Lonely Universe. Cambridge University Press. Schwartz, J. H. 1984 ; The evolutionary relationship of man and orangutans. Nature, 308, 501505. Eighty-seven percent of you eat fruits and vegetables at least three times a week. Six percent of you smoke. And 25 percent of you get no exercise. These are some results from a recent online Employee Wellness Needs and Interest Survey, which was completed by 852 staff members or 11 percent of the workforce. The survey will be used to help Karen Rinehart, Manager, Employee Health and Wellness, and a new Wellness Coordinator design a program of interest to employees. Here are some of the survey results: Who Took the Survey 88.7 percent of the respondents were female, with 84.6 percent between the ages of 30 and 59. 69.4 percent of the respondents are married. 51.3 percent of the respondents have children at home. 90.6 percent have a personal care physician. 87.3 percent rarely or never use alcohol. 6.1 percent are currently tobacco users. Nutrition 79.3 percent skip breakfast sometime during the week. 86.6 percent eat out for supper sometime during the week. 30 percent eat fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains three to four days per week; 28 percent do so five to six days per week; and 29 percent do so seven days a week. Physical Activity 78.3 percent do not have fitness center memberships. 28 percent get moderate to vigorous exercise once a week for at least 20 minutes; 24.9 percent do this three or more times per week. 24.8 percent report no physical activity. Reasons people cited for not engaging in physical activity and not leading a healthier lifestyle include lack of time, lack of energy, childcare issues, joint problems and the cost of joining a fitness center. Employees say they would like educational programs on heart disease 70 percent ; , cancer prevention 68 percent ; , cholesterol reduction 65 percent ; , stroke prevention 61 percent ; and cold and flu treatment and prevention 55 percent ; . Other interests include assistance with stress management, financial management, exercise, walking, yoga, healthy cooking and eating.

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Lovastatin-induced apoptosis is abrogated by mva or ggpp in aml-3 cells previously, we have reported that the cytotoxicity in response to lovaetatin is due to the induction of apoptosis. Maintaining these cellular processes in the lens and that the function of these GTP-binding proteins is probably impaired in lenses treated with lovastatin. In conclusion, this study suggests a physiological role for small GTP-binding proteins in the normal maintenance of lens transparency and function and reveals the possible biochemical mechanism that is involved in the induction of cataract by cholesterollowering drugs, such as lovxstatin and simvastatin. Acknowledgments The authors thank Dr. Chuan Qin for his help in dissection of the lenses from rat and monkey eyes. Key Words 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl CoA reductase, isoprenylation, lens, lovastatin, small GTP-binding proteins References 1. Barbacid M. Ras genes. AnnRevBiochem. 1987; 56: 779827. Hall A. The cellular functions of small GTP-binding proteins. Science. 1990; 249: 635-640. Chardin P. Small GTP-binding proteins of the Ras family: A conserved functional mechanism. Cancer Cells. 1991; 3: 117-126. Boguski MS, McCormick F. Proteins regulating Ras and its relatives. Nature. 1993; 366: 643-654. Nuoffer C, Balch WE. GTPases: Multifunctional molecular switches regulating vesicular traffic. Ann Rev Biochem. 1994; 63: 949-990. Hancock JF, Magee AI, Childs JE, Marshall CJ. All ras proteins are polyisoprenylated but only some are palmitoylated. Cell. 1989; 57: 1167-1177. Clark S. Protein isoprenylation and methylation at carboxy-terminal cysteine residues. Ann Rev Biochem. 1992; 61: 355-386. GlomsetJA, Farnsworth CC. Role of protein modification reactions in programing interactions between rasrelated GTPases and cell membranes. Ann Rev Cell Biol. 1994; 10: 181-205. Zhang FL, Casey PJ. Protein prenylation: Molecular mechanisms and functional consequences. Ann Rev Biochem. 1996; 65: 241-269. Rao PV, Zigler, JS Jr, Garland D. Analysis of small GTP-binding proteins of the lens by GTP overlay assay reveals the presence of unique GTP-binding proteins associated with fiber cells. Exp Eye Res. 1997; 64: 219227. Goldstein JL, Brown MS. Regulation of the mevalonate pathway. Nature. 1990; 343: 425-430. Maltese WA, Sheridan KM. Differentiation of neuroblastoma cells induced by an inhibitor of mevalonate synthesis: Relation of neurite outgrowth and acetylcholinesterase activity to changes in cell proliferation and blocked isoprenoid synthesis. Cell Physiol. 1985; 125: 540-558. Qiu MS, Pitts AF, Winters TR, Green SH. Ras isoprenylation is required for ras-induced but not for NGF and mevacor. Take generic mevacor - lovastatin tablets by mouth.

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Ke kombinaci gemfibrozilu s rosiglitazonem je teba pistupovat s pozornost. Soucasn podvn genfibrozilu s rosiglitazonem mlo za nsledek 2, 3nsobn nrst systmov expozice rosiglitazonu, pravdpodobn v dsledku inhibice izoenzymu CYP 2C8 viz bod 4.4 ; . Inhibitory HMG-CoA reduktzy Obecn plat, ze kombinacm gemfibrozilu se statiny je dobr se vyhnout viz bod 4.4 ; . Podvn samotnch fibrt mze vst k myopatii. Pi podvn fibrt v kombinaci se statiny bylo zaznamenno zvsen riziko vskytu nezdoucch svalovch reakc vcetn rhabdomyolzy. Gemfibrozil dle ovlivuje fakrrmakokinetiku simvastatinu, lovastatinu, pravastatinu a rosuvastatinu. Gemfibrozil zpsoboval tm trojnsobn nrst AUC kyseliny simvastatinov, pravdpodobn v souvislosti s inhibic glukoronidace prostednictvm UGTA1 a UGTA3, a trojnsobn nrst AUC pravastatinu, pravdpodobn v souvislosti s interferenc s transportnmi blkovinami. Podle vsledk jedn studie soucasn podn jedn dvky 80 mg rosuvastatinu zdravm dobrovolnkm na gemfibrozilu 600 mg dvakrt denn ; vedlo ke 2, 2nsobnmu zvsen prmrn hodnoty Cmax a k 1, 9nsobnmu zvsen prmrn AUC rosuvastatinu. Perorln antikoagulancia Jelikoz gemfibrozil mze zvysovat cinky perorln podvanch antikoagulanci, je teba dvkovn antikoagulanci pecliv sledovat viz bod 4.4 ; . Bexaroten Soucasn podvn gemfibrozilu s bexarotenem se nedoporucuje. Ze statistick analzy plazmatickch koncentrac bexarotenu u pacient trpcch koznmi T-lymfomy CTCL ; vyplynulo, ze soubzn podvn gemfibrozilu vedlo k vraznmu nrstu plazmatickch koncentrac bexarotenu. Adsorbenty zlucovch kyselin Soucasn podvn gemfibrozilu s lcivmi ppravky v podob tobolek obsahujcch adsorbenty zlucovch kyselin jako nap. kolestipolem mze mt za nsledek snzen jeho biologick dostupnosti. Doporucuje se tyto ppravky podvat v odstupu alespo dvou hodin. 4.6 Thotenstv a kojen.
Older medicines such as hydralazine, guanadrel ; may be prescribed only for people who have severe high blood pressure or when blood pressure does not respond to other medicines.
Blankenhorn DH and the MARS Research Group. Coronary angiographic changes with lovastatin therapy : the monitored atherosclerosis regression study MARS ; . Ann Intern Med 1993; 119: 969-976 MAAS Investigators. Effect of simvastatin on coronary atheroma : the Multicentre Anti-Atheroma Study MAAS ; . Lancet 1994; 344: 633-638 The REGRESS Study Group. Effects of lipid lowering by pravastatin on progression and regression of coronary artery disease in symptomatic men with normal to moderately elevated serum cholesterol levels. The Regression Growth Evaluation Statin Study REGRESS ; . Circulation 1995; 91: 2528-2540 Blankenhorn DH, Nessim SA, Johnson RL, et al. Beneficial effects of combined colestipol-niacin therapy on coronary atherosclerosis and coronary venous bypass grafts. JAMA 1987; 257: 3233-3240 Brown BG, Albers JJ, Fisher LD. Regression of coronary artery disease as a result of intensive lipid-lowering therapy in men with high levels of apolipoprotein B. NEJM 1990; 323: 1289-1298 Kane JP, Malloy MJ, Ports TA, et al. Regression of coronary atherosclerosis during treatment of familial hypercholesterolemia with combined drug regimens. JAMA 1990; 264: 3007-3012 Haskell WL, Alderman EL, Fair JM, et al. Effects of multiple risk factor reduction on coronary atherosclerosis and clinical cardiac events in men and women with coronary artery disease : the Stanford Coronary Risk Intervention Project SCRIP ; . Circulation 1994; 89: 975-990 The Harvard Atherosclerosis Reversibility Project HARP ; Group. Effect on coronary atherosclerosis of decrease in plasma cholesterol concentrations in normocholesterolemic patients. Lancet 1994; 344: 1182-1186 The POSCH Group. Effect of partial ileal bypass surgery on mortality and morbidity from coronary artery disease in patients with hypercholesterolemia. Rossouw JE. Lipid-lowering interventions in angiographic trials. J Cardiol 1995; 76: 86C-92C Montague T, Tsuyuki R, Burton J, et al. Prevention and regression of coronary atherosclerosis - Is it safe and efficacious therapy ? Chest 1994; 105: 718-726 The Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study Group. Randomized trial of cholesterol lowering in 4444 patients with coronary heart disease : the Scandinavian Simvastatin Survival Study 4S ; . Lancet 1994; 344: 1383-1389 The West of Scotland Coronary Prevention Study Group. Prevention of coronary heart disease with pravastatin in men with hypercholesterolemia. NEJM 1995; 333: 1301-1307 The Cholesterol Treatment Trialists' CTT ; Collaboration. Protocol for a prospective collaborative overview of all current and planned randomzied trials of cholesterol treatment regimens. J Cardiol 1995; 75: 1130-1134. Be sure to inform your doctor about all tablets, including non-prescription products.

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