

Been using multiple topical medications for a prolonged period, stopping all treatments may decrease symptoms. The most commonly prescribed topical medication is lidocaine ointment 5% Xylocaine jelly 2% or ointment 5%; AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP, Wilmington, DE ; , applied as required for symptoms and 30 minutes before sexual activity. Emla eutectic mixture of local anesthesia, comprised of lidocaine 2.5% and prilocaine 2.5%; AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals LP ; , ELA-Max lidocaine 4% and 5% ; L-M-X 4 formerly ELA-Max 4% cream [lidocaine 4%]; Ferndale, Ferndale, MI ; , and L-M-X 5 formerly ELA-Max Anorectal 5% cream [lidocaine 5%]; Ferndale ; also are used by some patients. These may cause stinging or sensitization. Male sexual partners may experience penile numbness and should avoid oral contact. Long-term use of overnight topical lidocaine may minimize feedback amplification of pain and may allow for healing [1]. Patients apply a copious amount of 5% lidocaine ointment to the affected area at bedtime and place a cotton ball generously coated with the 5% lido. R59 The principles of pharmacological management should be the same for all patients with heart failure, regardless of ethnicity. GPP, for example, misoprostol dose.
Formulary committees must consider the most efficacious, cost-effective, and userfriendly delivery systems to manage chronic pain. Oral medications are the preferred route of analgesic administration, but clinical circumstances may dictate a need for parenteral or transdermal routes of delivery. This article discusses various delivery systems, along with their clinical advantages and disadvantages. What will be covered? This highly informative session incorporates discussion on the foundations of power, gaining power and using it effectively. Also covered will be tools and techniques for sustaining and enhancing power once it has been established. Dr. Graham specializes in leadership development for executives in numerous industries. DATE: January 19, 2007 TIME: 7: 00 a.m. 8: 00 a.m. TICKET PRICE: $35 LOCATION: Hyatt Regency Convention CODE: T11 Center Hotel, Peaks Lounge, for example, misoprostol pregnancy.

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With misoprostol the practice seems particularly egregious: taking a medication meant for oral ingestion and inserting it vaginally. Point that patients consult complementary therapists `whose effectiveness, though not proven, is also not disproven, offering new hope when the ``magic'' of conventional medicine has faded'. Is she implying that it is all right to integrate unproven not disproven therapies into routine healthcare as long as they offer hope? These are, of course, complex issues. It is nevertheless worth pointing out that, in certain circumstances, raising false hopes can be cruel and unethical. We should also remember that science cannot usually prove a negative. Thus, conclusively proving that homeopathy, spiritual healing, etc are ineffective i.e. generate no effects beyond placebo ; is an impossibility. This is why, in evidence-based medicine, treatments ought to be backed up by positive evidence of effectiveness rather than with a label of `not disproven'. We all know that absence of evidence is not the same as evidence of absence. However, to use this argument for integrating therapies that are not disproven basically anything from bloodletting to gene therapy ; into medical routine is tantamount to saying `anything goes'. If we take this stance in complementary medicine we must also take it in other areas of therapeutics. Imagine what this would mean in relation to the pharmaceutical industry. I sure that Professor Higginson did not mean to advocate any of this but we need to be aware of the indisputable reality that the integration of nonsense into routine healthcare is likely to result in nonsense. Therefore, I believe, the way forward in complementary medicine is not much different from that in any other area of healthcare: first conduct the research to test the value effectiveness and safety ; of an intervention; subsequently critically evaluate the data in the context of all the existing evidence, and finally, if the results are favourable, consider integration. To do it the other way round is, in my view, a disservice to everyone involved, not least the patient and calcitriol.
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The misoprostol group was associated with significantly fewer hours from the start of induction to birth, with significantly less oxytocin use. NRTIs are nucleoside analogues that prevent DNA elongation and viral reproduction. These drugs are triphosphorylated intracellularly to become nucleotides and are then incorporated into the viral DNA chain by the viral reverse transcription enzyme; their presence in the DNA and rocaltrol, for example, misoprostol orally. 1. The risk of serious gastrointestinal toxicity is greatest with: A. Low-dose aspirin B. COX-2 inhibitors coxibs ; C. Coxibs plus aspirin or nonselective NSAIDs D. Older NSAIDs plus aspirin 2. PPI co-therapy with either nonselective NSAIDs or COX-2 inhibitors appears to lower the risk of ulceration from these agents and is an effective prophylactic strategy. A. True B. False 3. The percentage of people on NSAIDs who will present with a GI bleed is: A. 10%-15% B. 1%-2% C. 1% D. 15% 4. Which drug will not protect against both gastric and duodenal ulcers and may not help prevent ulcer complications? A. Mjsoprostol B. H2 blockers C. PPI 5. The gastrointestinal toxicity of aspirin: A. Is systemic B. Is topical C. Can be reduced if it is taken with food D. Can be reduced if enteric coated 6. What proportion of patients received concomitant acid suppression therapy with NSAID use in a population study of the prevalence of NSAID use in patients with peptic ulcer bleeding? A. 10% B. 20% C. 50% D. 75% 7. Small-bowel injury in gastrointestinal asymptomatic patients who regularly take piroxicam or celecoxib is much more common than suspected. A. True B. False 8. The use of COX-2specific inhibitors and PPIs has: A. Had no effect on the rate of upper and lower GI bleeds B. Had no effect on the incidence of NSAID-associated peptic ulcer disease PUD ; C. Has significantly decreased hospitalization rates for complicated ulcers in the US.
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Bull; seek medical attention if you notice that you require more than your usual or more than the maximum amount of any asthma medication in a 24-hour period and carbamazepine. Women were still pregnant, and contact with six others was lost. Among the remaining 17 live births, no major malformations were found. The authors conclude that their preliminary data do not support the hypothesis that misoprostol is teratogenic in humans.
Once she was admitted to the hospital, Tracie's doctors decided that they needed to induce her labor. To induce labor, Hospital X allowed its doctors to use a drug called Cytotec known also as misoprostol ; , despite the fact that it was not FDA-approved for induction of labor. Cytotec is a strong drug Continued on page twelve and tegretol.
Beta-cell function tends to decline over time in patients with type 2 diabetes as insulin resistance leads to betacell exhaustion and elevated lipids and glucose exert toxic effects on beta cells. Tight control of blood glucose levels is key to preventing the microvascular and possibly the macrovascular complications of diabetes, and is more effectively accomplished with insulin than with oral drugs. Early insulin therapy with resultant tighter glucose control appears to spare or delay beta-cell damage and might even restore beta-cell function. The beneficial effects of insulin have been shown in randomized controlled trials. New insulin analogues have more favorable pharmacokinetic profiles than standard insulin preparations, making them more attractive for use in basal bolus regimens. MENTAL & NERVOUS CONDITIONS & ANXIETY Attention Deficit Disorder, no mental or physical impairments, controlled with or without medication Age 12 & under Accept Over age 12 .10 Adult IC Anxiety and other mild mental and nervous conditions situational depression, acute anxiety ; -- no interference with normal activity, no hospitalization, treatment lasting no longer than 9 months 10 Chronic mild depression or anxiety, treatment lasting 9 or more months 25 Suicidal ideation attempts Single attempt thought, no complications or residuals Recent - 3 yrs . yrs 40 5 yrs & up .10 Multiple attempts or frequent thoughts or with residuals . Major or manic depression, bi-polar depression, schizophrenia, panic disorders and other psychosis and carbimazole. 32. Raynauld J., Buckland-Wright C., Ward R., et al. Safety and efficacy of long-term intraarticular steroid injections in osteoarthritis of the knee: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial. Arthritis Rheum. 2003; 48: 370-377. Hubbard M.J. Articular debridement versus washout for degeneration of the medial femoral condyle. A five-year study. J Bone Joint Surg Br. 1996; 78: 217-219. Chang R.W., Falconer J., Stulberg S.D., et al. A randomized controlled trial of arthroscopic surgery versus closed-needle joint lavage for patients with osteoarthritis of the knee. Arthritis Rheum. 1993; 36: 289-296. Fortin P.R., Clarke A.E., Joseph L., et al. Outcomes of total knee and hip replacement: preoperative functional status predicts outcomes at six months after surgery. Arthritis Rheum. 1999; 42: 1722-1728. Yeomans N.D., Tulassay Z., Juhasz L., et al. A comparison of omeprazole with ranitidine for ulcers associated with nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs. Acid Suppression Trial: Ranitidine vs Omeprazole for NASID-associated Ulcer Treatment ASTRONAUT ; Study Group. N Engl J Med. 1998; 338: 719-726. Hawkey C.J., Karrasch J.A., Szcepanski L., et al. Omeprazole compared with misoprostol for ulcers associated with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. N Engl J Med. 1998; 338: 727-734. Agrawal N.M., Campbell D.R., Safdi M.I., et al. Superiority of lansoprazole vs ranitidine in healing nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug associated gastric ulcers: results of a double-blind, randomized multicenter study. NSAID Associated Gastric Ulcer Study Group. Arch Intern Med. 2000; 160: 1455-1461. Spiegel B.M.R., Targownki L., Dulal G.S., Gralnek I.M. The cost-effectiveness of cyclooxygenase-2 selective inhibitors in the management of chronic arthritis. Ann Intern Med. 2003; 138: 795-806. Wright J.M. The double-edged sword of COX-2 selective NSAIDs. CMAJ. 2002 Nov 12; 167 10 ; : 1131-7. The second surgical option is transurethral resection of the prostate TURP ; . In this procedure, only the part of the prostate gland that surrounds the urethra is removed. TURP is reserved for patients who, because of ill health or advanced age, cannot have a radical prostatectomy, and for patients with obstructive symptoms. Rather than a curative procedure, TURP is a palliative one, in that it can reduce the symptoms of prostate cancer or benign enlargement. TURP is more often used for benign prostatic hyperplasia, a noncancerous enlargement of the prostate. In TURP, no incision is made; rather, a wire is inserted up the urethra to the prostate gland, and electrical current is used to cut the tissue.11 and cefadroxil. Myhealthline sign in join healthline feedback home health channels diseases & conditions drugs symptoms videos health experts directory diclofenac and misoprostol health article diclofenac and misoprostol health article print email save table of contents what is the most important information i should know about diclofenac and misoprostol. Complications few complications have been reported with misoprostol-only regimens and duricef. 57. Kolderup L, McLean L, Grullon K, Safford K, Kilpatrick SJ. Misopros5ol is more efficacious for labor induction than prostaglandin E2, but is it associated with more risk? American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999; 180: 1543-50. This randomized study compared misoprostol, a prostaglandin E1 analogue, with dinoprostone, a prostaglandin E2 analogue, when used for labor induction. Women eligible for labor induction received either $ " or 0.5 mg of dinoprostone inserted into the endocervical canal every 6 hours 78 women ; . Dosing was repeated for a maximum of 6 misoprostol doses and 4 dinoprostone doses if labor was not active and the Bishop score was less than 6. The misoprostol group had an average of 19.8 11.5 hours from induction to delivery, significantly less than the dinoprostone group with 28.9 14.8 hours. The misoprostol group also had 58% oxytocin use compared to 88% in the dinoprostone group; oxytocin was used to augment induction in non-responsive cases. There was no difference in the cesarean or hyperstimulation rates between the two groups, but tachysystole defined as more than six contractions in 10 minutes, for two consecutive 10-minute periods ; was greater in the misoprostol group. There were more deliveries for fetal distress in the misoprostol group, although the difference did not quite reach statistical significance, and significantly more babies from the misoprostol group were admitted to intensive care. The authors conclude that misoprostol is more efficacious for labor induction than dinoprostone, but they suggest that the increase in negative fetal effects is worrying but, due to confounding, difficult to ascribe to directly to misoprostol ; . They note that three out of six similar studies in the literature found an increase in fetal neonatal morbidity with misoprostol use, and suggest it may be safer to evaluate a lower dose or longer dosing interval.
The median duration of bleeding after the procedure was 125 days range 343 ; . Four 3% ; women required antibiotics for suspected pelvic infection and three 3% ; required iron tablets for anaemia at follow-up. Three 4% ; of 73 women given questionnaires were dissatisfied with the procedure, because of pain or bleeding for a long time. Outcomes of nulligravida compared with multigravida did not differ significantly. We show the clinical feasibility of medical abortion at 913 weeks' amenorrhoea with a high rate of acceptability. A failure rate of 23% and a continuing pregnancy rate of 9% at 89 weeks' gestation with combined mifepristone 600 mg and 400 g oral misoprostol has been reported.5 Our abortion rate of 95% at 913 weeks' gestation was associated with higher-dose misoprostol and the vaginal route of administration.3 Extension of the availability of medical abortion to all possible gestation times could have a substantial impact on the provision of medical services, and could decrease further the need for surgery and general anaesthesia, as well as increasing women's choice of methods.

Celecoxib in the CLASS study was also compared in the meta-analysis for its incidence of cardiovascular events. In the CLASS study, celecoxib was compared to ibuprofen and diclofenac for incidence of GI side effects in osteo-arthritis patients allowed aspirin treatment. There was no significant difference in cardiovascular event myocardial infarction stroke, or death ; between celecoxib and other NSAIDs in the CLASS study reported by Mukherjee et al.5 Myocardial infarction rates for COX-2 inhibitors used in the CLASS and VIGOR trials were significantly higher than the placebo group used in this meta-analysis of 23, 407 patients in primary prevention trials.5 The myocardial risk rate was 0.52% in the placebo group, 0.74% with the rofecoxib group P 0.04 compared with the placebo group of the meta-analysis ; and 0.80% with celecoxib P 0.02 compared with the placebo group of the meta-analysis ; .5 However, the investigators of the CLASS and VIGOR studies did not evaluate myocardial infarction as an end point. The sample groups for each trial had confounders for disease state VIGOR's rheumatoid arthritis sample compared to CLASS' osteo-arthritis sample CLASS' groups use of aspirin and trial-based increased myocardial infarction incidence of two fold for rheumatoid arthritis patients. A closer literature evaluation indicates COX-2 inhibitors and non-naproxen NSAIDs have similar rates of cardiovascular events compared to each other and placebo3. Evaluation of patient response to side effects of therapy is also important to consider with NSAID therapy. A recent cohort study of NSAID use and gastrointestinal effects management in a sample of primary care patients over fifty years old was conducted by Chambers, Christopher et al. Tolerance with NSAID- related GI symptoms was assessed at 2 and 6 weeks, evaluating all patient remedies taken for GI symptoms. More than half 56% ; of NSAIDs used were either ibuprofen or naproxen, 16% were COX-2 inhibitors, and others were prescribed a gastroprotective agent with their NSAID, e.g. diclofenac and misoprostol.1 Two-thirds of the 440 patients sampled experienced GI symptoms, consistent with a reported 10-20% incidence rate from previous clinical trials. 1 Surprisingly, patients managed these symptoms themselves, and lowered the dose of NSAIDs, took food with medication, or tried a non-prescription gastroprotective remedy, such as ranitidine and antacids. Algorithms in the literature suggest discontinuing the NSAID, if possible, decreasing the dose, switching to another class of NSAID COX-2 inhibitor ; , or adding a proton pump inhibitor, i.e. lansoprasole Prevacid ; . Risk reduction for upper GI events of nearly 50% may be expected with the COX-2 inhibitors, compared to the non-selective NSAID's propensity to damage the GI mucosa. Differences in gastrointestinal side effects demonstrate clinical benefit of COX-2 inhibitors compared to non-selective NSAIDS in patients with rheumatoid and osteo-arthritis. Both protective and harmful consequences are derived from blocking cyclooxygenase enzymes. Nonselective NSAIDs inhibit COX-1 enzyme's prostaglandin synthesis and disrupts the protection prostaglandins normally provide. In the case of more selective inhibition of COX-2 versus COX1 the clotting potential is increased, although clinical trials have not yet evaluated the risk of thrombosis with COX-2 inhibitors. The incidence of myocardial infarction is difficult to determine for celecoxib and rofecoxib compared to naproxen and other NSAIDs because of confounding difference between study groups. Nonselective NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors rarely cause renal side effects, except for renally compromised patients for whom creatinine clearance and blood pressure should be monitored. Other results support the evidence that benefits from NSAID use are usually worthwhile with appropriate management of side effects. COX-2 inhibitors provide better benefit compared to non-selective NSAIDs for patients at higher ulcer risk, while the anti-platelet activity of nonselective NSAIDs can be an advantage considering MI risk. Benefit from NSAIDs, however, should be based on the risk factors of the patient, individualized to side effects of prostaglandin inhibition and omnicef and misoprostol.

Sub production, whereas inhibition of 12 and 92% were respectively observed at 52 mm and 260 mm data not in table ii.
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Misoprostol is a synthetic prostaglandin e 1 analogue commonly used for cervical ripening and labor induction; however, it is not approved by the food and drug administration for this purpose.

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At some point thereafter, the patient was transferred to ICU, and an epidural was ordered. Dr. Roth expressed the concern that a side effect of epidurals is that it will lower blood pressure, which would aggravate the situation because the blood pressure was already quite low. The patient was taken for an ultrasound between 09: 00 and 10: 00, the results of which reflected an extra uterine pregnancy. The patient was eventually taken to the operating room at 14: 25 hours for a laparotomy. She was found to have a ruptured uterus, which was repaired successfully. In summary, when the patient first presented on September 22nd with the complaint of decreased fetal movement, Dr. Roth opined that more investigations should have been done, i.e. biophysical profile and a NST. Additionally, on September 30th, after fetal death was discerned, msioprostol was ordered even though there was no protocol in place.
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Barbosa, R.M., and M. Arilha. "The Brazilian Experience with Cytotec, " Studies in Family Planning, Vol. 24, No.4: 236-240, 1993. CARAL. "Three Feminists Attack RU-486, " Pro-Choice News, Winter, Toronto: 1991. CARAL. "RU-486: We need this choice now!" Pro-Choice News, Summer, Toronto: 1991. Claro, A. L. Shallat and K. Vickery. "Round Table on RU 486, " Women's Health Journal, Santiago: ISIS International, 2 93: 29-52, Le Grand, A. "The Abortion Pill: A Solution for Unsafe Abortions in Developing Countries?" Soc. Sci. Med. Vol.35, No. 6: 767-776, 1992. "Misuse of Mixoprostol as an Abortifacient." Drug Monitor, Jan Feb, 1992. Powell, M. "RU 486 The Abortion Pill, " Health Talk, Volume 2, No. 1, Toronto: Regional Women's Health Centre of Women's College Hospital, 1993. Childbirth by Choice. RU 486: the "Abortion Pill, " Toronto. Klein, R., J. G. Raymond and L. J. Dumble. RU 486 Misconceptions Myths and Morals, Bangladesh: Narigrantha Prabartana, 1991. Manen, S. van. "The Abortion Pill: A New Step towards Women's Autonomy?" Women & Pharmaceuticals Bulletin, B. Mintzes ed. Amsterdam: WEMOS Women & Pharmaceutical Project and Health Action International, pg. 19-21, 1992.

COMPANY BRAND NAME Claritin Axeleris 10mg tab Nasonex 0.05mg dose Arthrotec 0.2 75 75.2mg tab Searle Canada Inc. Chronovera 180mg tab Chronovera 240mg tab Clavulin 875 125 1000mg tab Clavulin 80 11.4 91.4mg ml SmithKline Beecham Pharma Inc. Clavulin 40 5.7 45.7mg ml Relafen 750mg tab Twinrix Junior 360 10 1N.A. dose Effexor XR 37.5mg cap Wyeth-Ayerst Canada Inc. Effexor XR 75mg cap Effexor XR 150mg cap Seroquel 25mg tab Zeneca Pharma Inc. Seroquel 100mg tab Seroquel 200mg tab TOTAL: 85 DINS 98 1 ; BENCH: 51 DINS 98 2 ; BENCH: 34 DINS quetiapine fumarate venlafaxine hydrochloride nabumetone combined hepatitus A & B vaccine amoxicillin trihydrate clavulanate potassium CHEMICAL NAME loratadine mometasone furoate monohydrate misoprostoll diclofenac sodium verapamil hydrochloride DIN 02237734 02238465 02229837 Schizophrenia antipsychotic agent ; 8 Jan 1998 Depression NSSRI ; 31 Mar 1998 Analgesic NSAID ; Hepatitis A&B active immunizing agent ; 28 Jan 1998 28 Oct 1998 Anti-infective -lactamase inhibitor ; 21 Oct 1998 Indications Allergy therapy antihistamine ; Allergy therapy corticosteroid ; Analgesic NSAID ; Hypertension angina calcium channel blocker ; DATE OF FIRST SALE 1 May 1998 9 Sep 1998 24 Nov 1998 9 Jan 1998 and calcitriol. Response to Ramsey et al. letter: Hofmeyr GJ. Rectal misoprostol in the prevention of postpartum hemorrhage [Reply to letter to the editor]. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 1999; 180: 1601-1602. This letter was written in response to Ramsey et al.'s letter to the editor, which argued that misoprostol is ineffective for the treatment or prevention of postpartum hemorrhage. Hofmeyr agrees that oral administration of misoprostol should be investigated, and states that a large multicenter trial of orally administered misoprostol for third-stage labor management currently is being conducted. Hofmeyr also states that the rectal route should be studied for the following three reasons: 1 ; Due to the structural and functional differences between rectal mucosa and vaginal epithelium, it cannot be assumed that absorption kinetics of rectal and vaginal administration are the same; 2 ; Oral administration is associated with side effects that may limit the usefulness of this route. N Vimala, V. Dadhwal, S Kumar, S Mittal, S Vinekar Abstract To compare the efficacy of intravaginal application of misoprostol and intra-amniotic injection of prostaglandin 15-methyl F2 alpha PG F2 ; in terminating second trimester pregnancies, eighty pregnant women at 14-20 weeks of gestation with single live fetuses and requesting for termination of pregnancy were randomised into two groups.Women in group I: received four tablets of vaginal misoprostol 200 mg tablet ; and in group II : intra-amniotic injection of 10 ml ; 2.5 mg 15 methyl PGF2. Failure to abort within 48 hours after intiation of treatment occurred in one woman 2.5% ; in the misoprostol group and 10 women 25% ; in the 15 methyl PGF2 group P 0.009 ; . Mean induction-to-abortion interval was 16.313 hr in the misoprostol group and 21.216 hr in the 15 methyl PGF2a group P .001 ; . Lower abdominal pain was significantly higher in the misoprostol group than in the 15 methyl PGF2 group P 0.001 ; . Intravaginal misoprostol in a dose of 800mg is more effective than intra-amniotic 15-methyl PGF2 for second trimester pregnancy termination. Key Words Second trimester abortion, Misoprostol, Prostaglandins.

Milk will cause the medication ineffective. Misoprostol has a molecular weight of 382.54. It exists as an approximate 1: mixture of two diastereomers.
Koch et al, induction of labour with misoprostol in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy, s afr med j 85 1995 ; : 1088-109 2 b.

Confusion, migraine pain, unpredictability in her ability to execute the activities of daily life." In order to better assess and treat claimant's medical condition, Mr. Bertner asked claimant to request that Dr. Grayson be recognized as the physician of record. Mr. Bertner ends his June 18, 2001 report by stating that it has become clear to him that "neurological pain as distinct from psychological trauma is a significant factor in her condition." Mr. Bertner recommends that Dr. Grayson become claimant's primary.
Special indications misoprostol tablets ; can protect against nsaid-associated gastric and duodenal ulcers in patients with a previous history of peptic ulcers in whom the use of nsaids is absolutely essential. Objective: To compare acceptability, safety, efficacy, complications and induction-abortion interval of misoprostol and ethacridine-lactate 0.1% ; for midtrimester pregnancy termination. Method: Twenty-five women of 13-20 weeks pregnancy were randomized in two groups. In group-I, 600 ? g misoprostol was given vaginally followed by 400 ? g 8 hourly upto a maximum 48 hours. In group-II, 150 ml of ethacridine was instilled extraamniotically. Success rate, induction-abortion interval, complications and satisfaction were studied and analyzed using unpaired t-test. Results: M8soprostol was 92 % effective as compared to ethacridine with 80% effectiveness. Mean induction-abortion interval in group-I was 13.94 hours and in group-II, it was 28.86 hours p 0.0001 ; . In group-I, 84% aborted within 24 hours, and 92% within 36 hours whereas in group-II 16% aborted within 24 hours and 68% within 36 hours while 32% women in group-I and 44% in group-II experienced complications. Conclusion: Misoprotsol is safer, more effective and acceptable than ethacridine for mid trimester termination of pregnancy. Key Words: isoprostol, ethacridine lactate, midtrimester pregnancy termination. For each ldl sample, all drugs were studied simultaneously and the oxidation lag time was compared against that of untreated ldl.

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Several case-control studies of NGU patients and controls have been presented. Of 2069 patients with NGU, 436 21.1% ; were M. genitalium positive as compared to 121 6, 7% ; of 1810 patients without NGU resulting in a DerSimonian-Laird pooled odds-ratio of 3.8 95% CI 3.0 4.9; p 0.0001 ; . In all studies, M. genitalium has been detected more often in men with NGU than in those without. Treatment Considering the amount of evidence linking M. genitalium to NGU, and particularly to NCNGU, it is surprising, that controlled clinical trials aimed at determining the optimal antibiotic treatment regimen have not been conducted. Table 1 summarises studies which have been recently published on this topic. Sexual transmission Only limited information about the important question as to whether M. genitalium is sexually transmitted is available. Keane et al. 33 ; studied 39 men with NGU index patients ; and their female partners. C. trachomatis was detected in 6 43% ; female partners of 14 C. trachomatis positive men. M. genitalium was detected in 7 58% ; female partners of 12 M. genitalium positive men. Thus, the concordance rate for M. genitalium was at least as high as that for C. trachomatis. M. genitalium was also detected in 2 9% ; of female partners to M. genitalium negative men; the corresponding figure for C. trachomatis was 4 11% ; of 37 C. trachomatis negative men 33 ; . In recent study from Sweden. 26 of 38 reported partners were examined for M. genitalium. The microbe was detected in 10.
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