

Early development of the rat endocrine pancreas. Pediatr Res 2000; 48: 389-403 Hulinsky I, Cooney S, Harrington J, Silink M. In vitro growth of neonatal rat islet cells is stimulated by adhesion to matrix. Horm Metab Res 1995; 27: 209-215 Gershengorn MC, Hardikar AA, Wei C, Geras-Raaka E, Marcus-Samuels B, Raaka BM. Epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition generates proliferative human islet precursor cells. Science 2004; 306: 2261-2264 Schwanstecher C, Schwanstecher M. Nucleotide sensitivity of pancreatic ATP-sensitive potassium channels and type 2 diabetes. Diabetes 2002; 51 Suppl 3: S358-362 Rorsman P. The pancreatic beta-cell as a fuel sensor: an electrophysiologist's viewpoint. Diabetologia 1997; 40: 487-495 Lang J. Molecular mechanisms and regulation of insulin exocytosis as a paradigm of endocrine secretion. Eur J Biochem 1999; 259: 3-17 MacDonald PE, Sewing S, Wang J, Joseph JW, Smukler SR, Sakellaropoulos G, Wang J, Saleh MC, Chan CB, Tsushima RG, Salapatek AM, Wheeler MB. Inhibition of Kv2.1 voltagedependent K + channels in pancreatic beta-cells enhances glucose-dependent insulin secretion. J Biol Chem 2002; 277: 44938-44945 MacDonald PE, Salapatek AM, Wheeler MB. Glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor activation antagonizes voltage-dependent repolarizing K + ; currents in beta-cells: a possible glucosedependent insulinotropic mechanism. Diabetes 2002; 51 Suppl 3: S443-447 MacDonald PE, Wang G, Tsuk S, Dodo C, Kang Y, Tang L, Wheeler MB, Cattral MS, Lakey JR, Salapatek AM, Lotan I, Gaisano HY. Synaptosome-associated protein of 25 kilodaltons modulates Kv2.1 voltage-dependent K + ; channels in neuroendocrine islet beta-cells through an interaction with the channel N terminus. Mol Endocrinol 2002; 16: 2452-2461 Science Editor Wang XL Language Editor Elsevier HK.
Boehringer ingelheim has contracted axios international, a distributor of healthcare supplies in the developing world, to provide technical assistance to support the implementation of the vdp, for example, wesley urso.
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1. Spironolactone SPA ; . The most common androgen blocker used for the treatment of hirsutism in the United States is SPA, an aldosterone antagonist structurally related to progestins. Overall, SPA is an effective therapy for hirsutism 122124 ; , including IH 98 ; . addition to antagonizing aldosterone, SPA competes with DHT for binding to the androgen receptor. However, SPA has only 1 20th the binding affinity of DHT for the androgen receptor, explaining why high doses of the drug may be required for adequate suppression of hair growth. In addition, SPA has an inhibitory effect on 5 -RA and competes with androgens for binding to SHBG 125128 ; . SPA, or its 17-hydroxylated metabolites, also inhibits the action of various enzymes involved in androgen biosynthesis, although this effect is generally observed only at doses greater than 200 mg day 125128 ; . SPA also demonstrates variable progestational activity, which may decrease the circulating LH FSH ratio by decreasing the response of LH to GnRH. In turn, this decrease may ameliorate the LH-stimulated secretion of ovarian androgens 127, 129 ; . Since SPA acts through mechanisms different from that of OCPs, it may be possible to improve the overall therapeutic effectiveness of this drug by combining these medications, even in patients with IH 130 132 ; . As previously noted, the peripheral production of DHT is both the result of 5 -RA activity and of the circulating levels of precursors, primarily T and androstenedione. The use of OCPs in combination with SPA, while providing adequate contraception, also helps to minimize the dysfunctional uterine bleeding or worsening oligomenorrhea often observed in women using SPA alone. SPA was initially approved and marketed as a diuretic, and primary side effects include polyuria, nocturia, and hypotension with associated headaches, fatigue, or even syncope. Nonetheless, patients rapidly develop a tolerance to this effect with chronic use, and few changes in serum electrolytes or blood pressure are seen with long-term therapy 122, 133 ; . Because of its potassium-sparing nature, SPA should not be used in conjunction with other potassium. Quality of life usually refers to satisfaction with major areas of daily functioning, including physical, emotional, social, and spiritual well-being.7, 16 Health-related quality of life is specifically concerned with those aspects of functioning that can be directly attributed to illness and consequent therapy.7 Few studies have evaluated the impact of bipolar disorder on health-related quality of. 13. Zaslavskaya RM. Chronodiagnosis and chronotherapy of cardiovascular diseases. Translation into English from Russian. Moscow: Medicina, 1993; 397. 14. Cornlissen G, Zaslavskaya RM, Kumagai Y, Romanov Y, Halberg F. Chronopharmacologic issues in space. J Clin Pharmacol 1994; 34: 543-551. Cornlissen G, Halberg F, Hawkins D, Otsuka K, Henke W. Individual assessment of antihypertensive response by self-starting cumulative sums. J Medical Engineering & Technology 1997; 21: 111-120. Siegelova J, Cornlissen G, Dusek J et al. Aspirin and the blood pressure and heart rate of healthy women. Policlinico Chrono ; 1995; 1 2 ; : 43-49. 17. Siegelov J, Cornlissen G, Halberg F et al. Self-starting cumulative sums for the individualized assessment of antihypertensive response and optimization by timing. Abstract, 2nd Int. Symp. of Chronobiology and Chronomedicine. Shenyang: 1996; 48. 18. Karp VP, Katinas GS. Computative methods of analysis in chronobiology and chronomedicine. Chronobiology and Chronomedicine Problem Committee. Moscow: Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, 1997; 116. 19. Halberg F. Chronobiology: methodological problems. Acta med rom 1980; 18: 399-440. Cornlissen G, Halberg F. Chronomedicine. In: Armitage P, Colton T, eds. Encyclopedia of Biostatistics. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 1998; 642-649. 21. Hawkins DM. Self-starting CUSUM charts for location and scale. The Statistician 1987; 36: 299-315. Bingham C, Arbogast B, Cornlissen Guillaume G, Lee JK, Halberg F. Inferential statistical methods for estimating and comparing cosinor parameters. Chronobiologia 1982; 9: 397-439. Eicher JC, Dobsak P, Wolf J.E. L'chocardiographie Doppler permet-elle d'evaluer l'effect des thrapeutiques dans la myocardiopathie hypertrophique? Ralits Cardiologiques 1997; 106: 15-19 and ursodiol. The parcel has arrived today, thanks for your prompt delivery. Special warnings about ursofalk although ursofalk is not known to cause liver damage, it is theoretically possible in some people and valproic. IX. HOUSING, STORAGE OF MEDICATIONS, TRANSPORTING, DISPOSAL Medication should be delivered to the school in its original container by the student's parent guardian. Only a limited supply should be kept at school. When a new medication is delivered by a parent guardian, the school nurse must review or be contacted to assure compliance with appropriate nursing care plan. A completed parent permission form, medication permission form, and a written order or appropriately labeled medication must accompany the medication. Medication must be stored in a secure, safe, and locked location and according with directions. Scheduled drugs should be stored in a doublelocked area. A secure, safe refrigerated area must be available for medication requiring refrigeration. Medication for field trips must also be transported in its original container or in the medication envelope authorized by the Maine Board of Pharmacy and filled and labeled by the school nurse. All staff responsible for administering medications, even those on field trips, must be trained. At the expiration date of the medication or at appropriate intervals ex. end of school year ; , it is the school nurse's responsibility to assure that medication not retrieved by the parents should be disposed of according to the school policy and for scheduled drugs, according to the Board of Pharmacy policy. Have the participants demonstrate how to retrieve medications from the storage area, demonstrate an understanding of the school policy on transporting medication with students on field trips, and demonstrate that they understand the policy regarding medication administration and disposal.

The most common complaints are problems initiating and or maintaining sleep and related fatigue and mood problems when sleep and work are mismatched to the normal schedule of sleep and activity. These problems tend to be worse when work schedules are poorly organised. Work schedules that rotate in a clockwise fashion morning followed by afternoon followed by night shift ; and allow sufficient days off between shifts for recovery are the best for health and valacyclovir.
Table 2. Key studies on hormonal contraception and HIV acquisition.

26 variation in estradiol, estradiol precursors, and estrogen-related products in nipple aspirate fluid from normal premenopausal women and ativan.

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By edema is the fundamental change that predisposes to dermatitis and ulceration. Venous insufficiency occurs when venous return in the deep, perforating, or superficial veins is impaired by vein dilation and valve dysfunction. Deep vein thrombophlebitis, which may have been asymptomatic earlier, is the most frequent precursor of lower leg venous insufficiency. Blood pools in the deep venous system and causes deep venous hypertension and dilation of the perforators that connect the superficial and deep venous systems. Venous hypertension is then transmitted to the superficial venous system. The largest perforators are posterior and superior to the lateral and medial malleoli. These are the same areas where dermatitis and ulceration are most prevalent. Superficial varicosities alone are unlikely to produce venous insufficiency. The liver plays a central role in whole body cholesterol homoeostasis. It is the main site of endogenous cholesterol synthesis, removes plasma lipoproteins from the circulation, secretes cholesterol as VLDL, and excretes cholesterol in bile. Co-ordination of cholesterol metabolism is orchestrated through modulation of proteolysis of the precursor form of SREBP. The signal which links cellular cholesterol loading or depletion with proteolysis of SREBP has not been identified. The rationale of the present investigation was that modulation of cholesterol homoeostasis, coupled with subcellular fractionation, may reveal the sterolregulatory pool and its intracellular site. Because the nuclear form of SREBP-2 is rapidly degraded by proteolysis, the altered sterol-regulatory pool will persist during dietary or drug treatment and bextra. 1979 ; Putative enkephalin precursors in bovine adrenal medulla. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 89: 822-829. Livett, B. G., D. M. Dean, and G. M. Bray 1978 ; Growth characteristics of isolated adrenal medullary cells in culture. Sot. Neurosci. Abstr. 4: 592. Livett, B. G., D. M. Dean, L. G. Whelan, S. Udenfriend, and J. Rossier 1981 ; Co-release of enkephalin and catecholamines from cultured adrenal chromaffin cells. Nature 289: 317-319. Livett, B. G., R. Day, R. P. Elde, and P. R. C. Howe 1982 ; Costorage of enkephalins and adrenaline in the bovine adrenal medulla. Neuroscience 7: 1323-1332. Lowry, 0. H., N. J. Rosebrough, A. L. Farr, and R. J. Randall 1951 ; Protein measurement with the Folin phenol reagent. J. Biol. Chem. 193: 265-275. Meligeni, J. A., J. W. Haycock, W. F. Bennett, and J. C. Waymire 1982 ; Phosphorylation and activation of tyrosine hydroxylase mediate the CAMP-induced increase in catecholamine biosynthesis in adrenal chromaffin cells. J. Biol. Chem. 257: 12632-12640. Muller, T. H., and K. Unsicker 1981 ; High performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection as a highly efficient tool for studying catecholaminergic systems. I. Quantitation of noradrenaline, adrenaline and dopamine in cultured adrenal medullary cells. J. Neurosci. Methods 4: 3952. Naujoks, K. W., S. Korsching, H. Rohrer, and H. Thoenen 1982 ; Nerve growth factor-mediated induction of tyrosine hydroxylase and of neurite outgrowth in cultures of bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Dependence on developmental stage. Dev. Biol. 92: 365-379. Rossier, J., D. M. Dean, B. G. Livett, and S. Udenfriend 1981 ; Enkephalin congeners and precursors are synthesized and released by primary cultures of adrenal chromaffin cells. Life Sci. 28: 781-789. Schneider, F. H. 1968 ; Observations on the release of lysosoma1 enzymes from the isolated bovine adrenal gland. Biochem. Pharmacol. 17: 848-851. Schultzberg, M., J. M. Lundberg, T. Hokfelt, L. Terenius, J. Brand& R. P. Elde, and M. Goldstein 1978 ; Enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in gland cells and nerve terminals of the adrenal medulla. Neuroscience 3: 1169-1186. Tischler, A. S., R. L. Perlman, G. Nunnemacher, G. M. Morse, R. A. DeLellis, H. J. Wolfe, and B. E. Sheard 1982 ; Longterm effects of dexamethasone and nerve growth factor on adrenal medullary cells cultured from young rats. Cell Tissue Res. 225: 525-542. Trifaro, J. M., and R. W. H. Lee 1980 ; Morphological characteristics and stimulus secretion coupling in bovine adrenal chromaffin cell cultures. Neuroscience 5: 1533-1546. Unsicker, K., G. -H. Griesser, R. Lindmar, K. Loffelholz, and U. Wolf 1980 ; Establishment, characterization and fibre. All the never users of FP were again asked to rate the various aspects of providers in detail and the information collected is tabulated in Table 6.15. More than 90 percent of the respondents rated provider's skill as somewhat or the most important aspect of the provider in both the study areas. Almost all in Surya clinic and over 90 percent in Titli areas considered politeness of the provider and staff, cleanliness, constellation of services offered, reputation of the providers and privacy as the most important aspects of providers. Majority also voted for provision of pediatric services, nearness to home and cost as the other important aspects and cialis. Our study demonstrates that the two largest Latino ethnic groups in the U.S. have different patterns of linkage disequilibrium, haplotypes and pharmacogenetic associations, and therefore should be considered as separate groups in future drug trials and pharmacogenetic studies of asthma. Ethnic-specific pharmacogenetic differences among asthmatics have not been previously reported and thus merit further investigation, for example, engles urso. Glossary of Terms Amenorrhea - a condition in which a woman has no menstrual periods. Primary amenorrhea a woman who has never had a spontaneous menstrual bleed in her life. Basic research studies limited to the laboratory or to animals and aimed at understanding the human body and its diseases at the most fundamental level Chromosomes the thin strands of genetic material found in the nucleus of each cell that determine each person's characteristics. Every individual has 22 pairs of chromosomes and one pair of sex chromosomes called X and Y ; . The sex chromosomes determine whether an individual is male or female. A female ordinarily has 2 X-chromosomes, while a male has one X and one Y chromosome. Corpus Luteum a yellow cellular mass that forms in the ovary from a follicle that has ovulated; secretes progesterone, hormonally regulates the second half of the menstrual cycle and is essential to sustaining the first seven weeks of pregnancy. DHEA Dehydroepiandrosterone pronounced ; , or DHEA as it is more often called, is a steroid hormone produced in the adrenal gland. It is the most abundant steroid in the bloodstream and is present at even higher levels in brain tissue. DHEA levels are known to fall 90% from age 20 to age 90. DHEA is known to be a precursor to the numerous steroid sex hormones including estrogen and testosterone ; which serve well-known refunctions, but the specific biological role of DHEA itself is not completely understood as of yet. Dominant follicle - the largest ovarian follicle that develops during each menstrual cycle. It is the follicle that will ovulate. Estradiol - one of the three major estrogen hormones women produce. This estrogen dominates from puberty to menopause and is by far the most powerful estrogen. The ovarian follicle produces it as it develops during the first half of the menstrual cycle and by the corpus luteum after ovulation. Follicle - stimulating hormone FSH ; - the hormone produced by the pituitary gland in response to GnRH released by the hypothalamus. It stimulates the follicles in the ovary to develop and danazol.

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Motivation The fundamental processes causing new particle formation, i.e., nucleation and subsequent growth into the size-range of a few nanometers are still not well understood. Most likely there is not only one mechanism that controls atmospheric nucleation processes. It is suggested by many authors that nucleation mechanisms may vary with altitude Weber et al., 1999 ; . Other researchers noted that favorable atmospheric conditions, such as turbulence due to breaking Kelvin-Helmholtz waves Bigg, 1997 ; or boundary layer mixing processes Easter and Peters, 1994; Nilsson and Kulmala, 1998 ; , and atmospheric waves in general Nilsson et al., 2000 ; can enhance nucleation rates by up to several orders of magnitude. However, most of the measurements reported in the literature are singlepoint measurements and therefore not suitable to gain insight into the above mechanisms. In this work, which reports first results from the SATURN experiment, a new approach to gain further insight into possible processes controlling atmospheric nucleation processes is presented. Instead of performing only single-point measurements, vertical soundings of meteorological parameters such as wind, temperature, relative humidity, and particle number concentrations were carried out utilizing the balloonborne measurement platform ACTOS Airshipborne Cloud Turbulence Observation System ; . In addition, ground based measurements of meteorological, particle number size distributions, and gaseous precursor concentrations took place at the balloon site. Furthermore, at two additional locations distance to the balloon site is about 40 km ; particle number size distributions were measured. To gain information about the vertical structure and the development of the boundary layer, SODAR measurements were performed at the balloon site together with radiosondes, and a LIDAR was operated in about 50 km distance to the balloon site at IfT. The information in this report has been obtained from what are believed to be reliable sources and has been verified whenever possible. Nevertheless, we cannot guarantee the information contained herein as to accuracy or completeness. All expressions of opinion are the responsibility of Defined Health, and though current as of the date of this report, are subject to change and darvon.
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Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York. Mayr, E. 1982. The GrowthofBiological Thought. HarvardUniver sity Press, Boston. Mazia, D. 1937. The release ofcalcium in Arbacia eggsupon fertiliza tion.J.C.C.P. 10: 291"304. McCutcheon, M., and B. Lucke. 1929. The effect of certain electro lytes and non-electrolytes on the permeability ofliving cells to wa ter 1.Gen. Physiol. 12: 129"138. McDonald, M. R., and M. Kunitz. 1941. The effect of calcium and other ions on the autocatalytic formation oftrypsin from trypsino gen. J. Gen. Physiol. 15: 53"73. McGrath, K. J., W. J. Heideger, and K. W. Beach. 1986. Calcium homeostasis III: the bone membrane potential and mineral dissolu tion. Calcif Tissue mi. 39: 279"283. McLean, F. C., and A. B. Hastings. 1934. A biological method for the estimation of calcium ion concentration. J. Biol. Chem. 107: 337"350. Med1aTS.1984. Citations back to 1966. M. L. M.'s inter-active re trieval service. Meltzer, S. J., and J. Auer. 1905. Physiologic and pharmacological studies ofmagnesium salts. General anesthesia by subcutaneous in jection. Am. J. Physiol. 14: 366"388. Meltzer, S. J., and J. Auer. 1908. The antagonistic action of calcium upon the inhibitory effect of magnesium. Am 1.Physiol. 21: 400" Mendel, L. B., and S. R. Benedict. 1909. The paths of excretion for inorganic compounds. The excretion of calcium. Am. J. Physiol. 25: 23"33. Metz, C. B., and A. Monroy, eds ; . 1985. Biology of Fertilization. In these experiments, mixtures of DL-[15N]valine and either DL-[OC-4C]valine or L-[U-14C]valine were used as precursors see Table 1 ; , and the 1rN and 14C contents of penicillin and valine from the mycelial protein are given in Table 3. The dilutions of 14C for the biosynthesis of penicillin and mycelial protein were approximately 8 range 4-9-10.5 ; and 11 range 9.2-14 ; respectively. The rather wide range is probably due to differences in the times of addition of labelled valine to the fermentation and to variation in penicillin production see Table 1 ; . In all experiments, however, isotopic nitrogen was incorporated into penicillin and mycelial valine only and desyrel.
Fluid. No other significant difference was seen between the groups. When mean median for DHEA ; , follicular fluid concentrations in the patients all follicles included ; and serum concentrations at oocyte retrieval were correlated, a highly significant positive correlation was found for DHEA-S rs 0.88, P 0.001 ; . No significant correlations were found for any of the other steroids. Ovarian stimulation characteristics in patients with adjuvant prednisolone treatment as compared to placebo are given in Table III. No significant differences were noted between the groups regarding dose of FSH required, duration of stimulation, number of medium-sized or large follicles, or endometrium thickness. Table IV shows oocyte and embryo characteristics, which seemed very similar in both groups. There was a tendency to more oocytes being retrieved in the prednisolone group but this did not reach statistical significance. Discussion To our knowledge this is the first study in which both serum concentrations and follicular fluid concentrations of steroids have been measured after ovarian stimulation in combination with adjuvant corticosteroid treatment. The results do not support the view that prednisolone treatment leads to a significant reduction of biologically active androgens in serum or follicular fluid. In contrast, a tendency towards a higher testosterone concentration in follicular fluid was observed. Furthermore, in the small sample of this study an effect by the adjuvant corticosteroid treatment on the clinical outcome was not apparent. Thus, the rationale for corticosteroid treatment as an adjuvant to ovarian stimulation with gonadotrophins in women with hyperandrogenism and or PCOS may be questioned. Nevertheless, under some conditions a positive effect of adjuvant corticosteroid treatment cannot be excluded. Theoretically corticosteroids could affect hypothalamic and or pituitary functions directly or indirectly by suppressing endogenous adrenal steroids thereby influencing secretion of gonadotrophins Daly et al., 1984; Isaacs et al., 1997 ; . However, the direct action of exogenous gonadotrophins on the ovaries might mask these effects. Further studies in this field could lead to improved and simplified stimulation protocols for patients with PCOS, in accordance with previous discussions Olivennes and Frydman, 1998 ; . Despite the fact that DHEA-S concentrations both in follicular fluid and in serum at oocyte retrieval were about one-third lower in the prednisolone group than in the placebo group, neither follicular fluid nor serum concentrations of the other androgens presented lower values in the former group. No correlation was found between the follicular fluid concentration of DHEA-S on the one hand, and follicular fluid testosterone and androstenedione on the other. At first this seems not to support the view of Longcope and co-workers Haning et al., 1993; Longcope, 1996 ; of peripheral DHEA-S as a precursor for 48% of the intrafollicular testosterone formed during ovarian stimulation. However, in contrast to the normal subjects studied by Longcope and coworkers, our study population consisted of women diagnosed with PCOS, who may differ in follicular steroidogenesis and who may have an increased de-novo ovarian androgen synthesis Barnes and Rosenfield, 1989; Gilling-Smith et al., 1994; Ehrm.

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Sub is an aryl ring, substituted at different positions with a hydrogen, a halogen, a diazonium salt, a triazene group, a tertiary alkyl amino group, a nitro group, an oxy group, an alkoxy group, an amino group, an alkylamino group, a stannoalkyl group, a stannoaryl group, an unsubstituted or a substituted boronic acid, an alkyl silane group, a pentafluorosilicate group, an alkylgermano group, a halomercury group, a trifluoroacetyl thallate group, or a thallium difluoride group; providing a radioactive compound; and reacting the precursor compound and the radioactive compound under conditions effective to produce a radiolabeled non-steroidal compound having the formula: , str66 , where r.

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The licensed Wholesale Distributor shall employ adequate personnel with the education and experience necessary to safely and lawfully engage in the Wholesale Distribution of Drugs. Each Person that is issued an initial or renewal license as a Wholesale Distributor, whether in or out-of-state, must designate in writing on a form required by the Board a person for each facility to serve as the Designated Representative of the Wholesale Distributor. A ; . To certified as a Designated Representative, a person must 1 ; Submit an application on a form furnished by the Board and provide information that includes, but is not limited to: a ; A set of fingerprints for the person, under procedures specified by the Board, together with the payment of the an amount equal to the costs incurred by the Board for the criminal record check of the person, for instance, dr richard urso.
Ranibizumab Lucentis; Genentech ; is a fragment of a recombinant monoclonal antibody that binds to, and inhibits, vascular endothelial growth factors in and beneath the retina. It is injected into the vitreous monthly. Treatment is likely to be required indefinitely It presently costs about $2000 for a single dose. A precursor recombinant antibody, bevaci-zumab Avastin; Genentech ; , given intravenously, has been approved for treatment of metastatic cancer of the colon and rectum. It is now being given intravitreously off label ; in smaller doses at a much lower cost. It has not yet been directly compared with ranibizumab. The benefit harm ratio compared with ranibizumab is not known. The cost differential is important and ursodiol. Shiraishi A, Takeda S, Masaki T, Higuchi Y, Uchiyama Y, Kubodera N, Sato K, Ikeda K, Nakamura T, Matsumoto T, Ogata E 2000 Alfacalcidol inhibits bone resorption and stimulates formation in an ovariectomized rat model of osteoporosis: distinct actions from estrogen. J Bone Miner Res 15: 770-779 Weber K, Kaschig C, Erben RG 2004 1 Alpha-hydroxyvitamin D2 and 1 alphahydroxyvitamin D3 have anabolic effects on cortical bone, but induce intracortical remodeling at toxic doses in ovariectomized rats. Bone 35: 704-710 Duque G, Macoritto M, Dion N, Ste-Marie LG, Kremer R 2005 1, 25 OH ; 2D3 acts as a bone-forming agent in the hormone-independent senescence-accelerated mouse SAM-P 6 ; . J Physiol Endocrinol Metab 288: E723-730 Gardiner EM, Baldock PA, Thomas GP, Sims NA, Henderson NK, Hollis B, White CP, Sunn KL, Morrison NA, Walsh WR, Eisman JA 2000 Increased formation and decreased resorption of bone in mice with elevated vitamin D receptor in mature cells of the osteoblastic lineage. Faseb J 14: 1908-1916 Brown EM, Chattopadhyay N, Yano S 2004 Calcium-sensing receptors in bone cells. J Musculoskelet Neuronal Interact 4: 412-413 Miao D, He B, Lanske B, Bai XY, Tong XK, Hendy GN, Goltzman D, Karaplis AC 2004 Skeletal abnormalities in Pth-null mice are influenced by dietary calcium. Endocrinology 145: 2046-2053 Raisz LG, Trummel CL, Holick MF, DeLuca HF 1972 1, 25dihydroxycholecalciferol: a potent stimulator of bone resorption in tissue culture. Science 175: 768-769 Simonet WS, Lacey DL, Dunstan CR, Kelley M, Chang MS, Luthy R, Nguyen HQ, Wooden S, Bennett L, Boone T, Shimamoto G, DeRose M, Elliott R, Colombero A, Tan HL, Trail G, Sullivan J, Davy E, Bucay N, Renshaw-Gegg L, Hughes TM, Hill D, Pattison W, Campbell P, Sander S, Van G, Tarpley J, Derby P, Lee R, Boyle WJ 1997 Osteoprotegerin: a novel secreted protein involved in the regulation of bone density. Cell 89: 309-319 Shibata T, Shira-Ishi A, Sato T, Masaki T, Masuda A, Hishiya A, Ishikura N, Higashi S, Uchida Y, Saito MO, Ito M, Ogata E, Watanabe K, Ikeda K 2002 Vitamin D hormone inhibits osteoclastogenesis in vivo by decreasing the pool of osteoclast precursors in bone marrow. J Bone Miner Res 17: 622-629. U U-CORT. 39 u-kera . 40 ultra. 64, 65 ultra natal. 65 ULTRABROM, PD . 73 ultracaps mt . 50 ULTRACET. 20 ULTRALYTIC . 40 ULTRAM, ER. 20 ULTRASE, MT. 50 ULTRAVATE. 39 UMECTA. 40 UNASYN. 13 uni-hist . 73 uni-otic . 42 UNIPHYL . 78 UNIRETIC. 34 uni-tex . 73 unithroid. 46 UNIVASC. 29 univert . 21 urea . 36, 37, 39, urealac . 40 URECHOLINE . 79 URELLE . 80 URETRON D S . UREX. 15 URIMAR-T. 15 urin d s . URINARY ANESTHETICS. 80 URINARY ANTIINFECTIVES . 15 urinary antiseptic f.c 80 URISED . 80 uriseptic. 80 URISPAS . 79 URISYM . 80 uritact ds . 80 URITACT-EC. 80 URO BLUE. 15 UROCIT-K . 80 urogesic-blue. 15 URO-KP. 59 UROLOGICAL MEDICATIONS. 79 UROQID . 15 UROXATRAL. 80 URSO. 50 ursodiol . 48, 50 usept . 80 UTA . 80 utira. 15 109. Sometimes a CHD is associated with other health problems. For example, babies with Down Syndrome often have a particular heart defect.
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