

Expand the use of evidence-based prevention programs for Florida's youth and their families. Develop a multi-agency statewide substance abuse prevention plan. Continue the Florida Youth Survey. Implement the Substance Abuse Prevention web site authorized in Chapter 397, F.S. Implement and test model systems of care for children's treatment services in districts 7 and 9, as authorized in Chapter 397, F.S. Support the expansion of drug courts including delinquency and dependency ; by providing access to evaluation and treatment services. Develop and expand aftercare program services and 12-month follow-up methodology. Support an alternative funding source for the Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse Trust Fund upon repeal of the alcohol beverage surcharge.
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A5: Alesde is a 2nd generation combined contraceptive pill ethinyl estradiol 20 g levonorgestrel 01.mg ; . Even though it contains a relatively low dose of estrogen, it still increases the risk for thrombosis approximately 3-4 times compared to women who do not take oral contraceptives. In the woman who also has heterozygous factor V Leiden the risk is increased 20-30 fold. If the woman has had a venous thrombosis, Aesse would not be advisable. If the woman never had a thrombosis, the same issues as discussed in A4 apply. Terminology: The words "progestin" and "progestagen" are synonyms. They are a class name for several different types of individual hormone-preparations such as progesterone, medroxyprogesterone, norgestrel, norethindrone, etc. ; . The term "mini-pill" is sometimes used for progestin-only pills; the expression should not be confused with "low-dose estrogen combined contraceptives". Types of Contraceptive Methods a. Non-hormonal methods Safe contraceptive methods without an increased risk for deep vein thrombosis or pulmonary embolism are nonhormonal methods condom, diaphragm, etc. ; . b. Progestin-only contraceptives A publication from the WHO World Health Organization ; showed that oral or injectable progestin-only contraceptives do not increase the risk of thrombosis DVT, PE, heart attack, or stroke ; in the general female population [reference 3]. However, it is not well known whether progestin-only contraceptives are also safe in people who a ; have had a previous clot or b ; have factor V Leiden or another thrombophilia. I aware of only one published study in individuals with thrombosis or with a family history of thrombosis who took a progestin-only pill [reference 4]. This study showed that there was no increased risk of thrombosis with the progestin-only pill. However, the progestin pill evaluated in the study is not available in the U.S. In view of the sparsity of data I think it is fair to conclude that one can not rule out a small increased risk of thrombosis with progestin-only contraceptives in people with previous blood clots or a thrombophilia. The concern about an increased risk of thrombosis with progestin-only contraceptives stems from the fact that progestins used at higher doses for purposes other than contraception dysfunctional uterine bleeding, amenorrhea ; may be associated with an increased risk of thrombosis [reference 3]. This is a scientific field that is evolving and hopefully, at some point in the future, we will have more data as to whether progestin-only contraceptives increase the risk for thrombosis in thrombosis-prone individuals or not. Progestin-only contraceptives are: Oral pills Micronor , Ovrette , NOR-QD , Camila , Jolivette , Errin , Nora-BE ; . Depo-Provera depot medroxy-progesterone ; Mirena IUD - mirena-us index . The Mirena IUD releases progestins, but only low levels of progestins get into the blood stream. It may, therefore, be a particularly suitable contraceptive method in individuals with thrombosis or thrombophilia. Even though I not aware of any systematic investigation regarding its risk of causing thrombosis, I would not expect Mirena to increase that risk. c. Combined oral contraceptives estrogen plus progestin ; Combined estrogen-progestin pills lead to an increased risk of DVT and PE, no matter whether one uses a lowestrogen pill or higher estrogen pill. The pills with the highest risk are the so-called 3rd generation contraceptive pills. These pills contain a certain type of progestin, called Desogestrel that leads to a higher risk of DVT and PE. I advise everybody, but particularly women with known thrombophilia, against using these contraceptive pills. The brand names of these 3rd generation pills are: Mircette Ortho-Cept Desogen Apri Cyclessa Kariva Yasmin is a combined estrogen-progestin birth control pill with yet another type of progrestin drospirenone ; . Preliminary data [MEGA study; Rosendaal FR. Ham-Wasserman lecture; ASH, Atlanta, 12-2005] suggest that it may have a particularly high risk for thrombosis. However, no data from that study have been published yet, so that no conclusion can be made at this point. d. Ortho Evra patch The Ortho Evra patch is also a combined estrogen-progestin preparation. However, it has twice as high a risk for DVT.

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Percents becoming pregnant in columns 2 ; and 3 ; are based on data from populations where contraception is not used and from women who cease using contraception in order to become pregnant. Among such populations, about 89% become pregnant within one year. This estimate was lowered slightly to 85% ; to represent the percent who would become pregnant within one year among women now relying on reversible methods of contraception if they abandoned contraception altogether. E Foams, creams, gels, vaginal suppositories, and vaginal film. F Cervical mucus ovulation ; method supplemented by calendar in the pre-ovulatory and basal body temperature in the post-ovulatory phases. G With spermicidal cream or jelly. H Without spermicides. I The treatment schedule is one dose within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse, and a second dose 12 hours after the first dose. The Food and Drug Administration has declared the following brands of oral contraceptives to be safe and effective for emergency contraception: Ovral 1 dose is 2 white pills ; , Lesse 1 dose is 5 pink pills ; , Nordette or Levlen 1 dose is 2 light-orange pills ; , Lo Ovral 1 dose is 4 white pills ; , Triphasil or Tri-Levlen 1 dose is 4 yellow pills ; . J However, to maintain effective protection against pregnancy, another method of contraception must be used as soon as menstruation resumes, the frequency or duration of breastfeeds is reduced, bottle feeds are introduced, or the baby reaches six months of age.
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